The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, City and County of Denver, has issued a Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) for Solid Waste Truck/Staff Augmentation Services as described below. RFP documents will be available for download at
General Statement of Work
Beginning in January 2023, Solid Waste Management customers (single family homes and apartments up to seven (7) units), will begin paying for all solid waste services based on their trash cart size. Weekly recycling and compost services will be included at no additional cost. Weekly recycling is slated to begin immediately in January, while compost will be phased in throughout 2023, as the City educates customers on contamination prevention.
As Solid Waste Management (“SWM”) transitions from bi-weekly recycling collection to weekly service, SWM will also grow its recycling service. SWM is anticipating awarding three (3) contracts, each with seven (7) routes per pickup day (estimated 1,000 households per route, four (4) days of collection per week), to assist with trash, recycle, and/or compost collection to augment its existing fleet for three years of the new program.
Questions Deadline: Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. local time
Submission of Proposals will only be received via the online electronic bid service through Responses are due at 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, October 27, 2022. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Contract Administrator: Michele Foust
Minimum Wage Requirement: The services being requested in this RFP may involve services that are covered pursuant to Division 3.75 of Article IV of Chapter 20 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code (“D.R.M.C.”), which is designed to address the issue of wage equity and cost of living affordability in the City & County of Denver. The successful proposer agrees that any contract with the City shall include a requirement that contractor will comply with the provisions of D.R.M.C. §§20-82 through 20-84, including, but not limited to, paying all covered workers no less than the City Minimum Wage for all covered services rendered in connection with the contract. Additionally, the successful proposer agrees that the contract shall require compliance with all current and future federal and state laws and City ordinances.
As the City’s best interests may appear, the Executive Director of the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure reserves the right to waive informalities in, and to reject any or all, submittals/proposals.
Publication Dates: October 12, 13, 14, 2022
Published In: The Daily Journal