What are the 2026 Professional Services Category On-Call Contracts?
The new 2026 professional services on-call contracts are going to be procured in Quarter 3, 2025. This schedule may shift slightly, updates on the schedule will be provided on www.denvergov.org/dobusinesswithdoti. The goal of the contracts is to establish and maintain a pool of qualified on-call consultants that can support DOTI's wide range of capital projects and programs. The exact number of categories, the number of firms to be selected per category, as well as the capacity for each contract has not yet been determined.
What were the 2020 categories and which firms were awarded contracts?
In 2020, there were 13 unique categories. For information on the categories and the current contract holders, please see the on-call contract list provided on our Do Business with DOTI website.
Are you guaranteed a specific amount of work if you are awarded a contract?
No. These contracts do not commit funds, nor do they guarantee any amount. These contracts are not an authorization of work. Authorization of work and commitment of funds are made through task orders on an as needed basis. For the 2020 contracts, 48 total firms were selected, and approaching 50% of the available capacity was used, which equated to approximately $100M in task orders. Most task orders for the on-call contracts were awarded based on a subsequent mini-selection process.
How are small businesses included?
In 2020, DOTI worked with the Division of Small Business Opportunity (DSBO) to determine contract goals to ensure small business participation. DSBO supports the growth, capacity, and sustainability of small, disadvantaged, minority, and women-owned businesses. The goals for the existing categories are available in our on-call contract dashboard. The goals for the 2026 contracts have yet to be determined.
What is the best way to find out updates?
Updates will be posted to the Do Business with DOTI website. Please also subscribe via the website to receive email updates on when the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is posted. If you have additional questions, please reach out to doti.procurement@denvergov.org.