Transit Oriented Development

What is Transit Oriented Development?

Successful transit oriented development (TOD) is attractive, walkable, and sustainable and allows Denver residents to have fair housing, ample transportation choices and the ability to live convenient, affordable, enjoyable lives. 

What is the TOD Strategic Plan?

Denver is taking a system-wide approach to implement not just TOD, but also transit communities for all of Denver’s residents. The TOD Strategic Plan, “Transit Oriented Denver,” provides a foundation to guide public and private investment at rail stations through:

  • Creating an implementation action plan through research and analysis of the existing state of transit-oriented development
  • Providing city-wide, high-level policy recommendations and on the ground, station-level action items with the intent to foster implementation of TOD at rail stations
  • Establishing a system to track and monitor Denver’s success so the city can continue to refine and improve its strategic moves in the future


Contact Us

Chris Nevitt
TOD Manager

David Gaspers
Principal City Planner

Community Planning and Development

Department of Transportation and Infrastructure