Denver Food Vision 2030 In October 2017, the City of Denver released the Denver Food Vision 2030. The vision is based on a baseline report, food system metrics, and significant stakeholder engagement. The Vision set an ambitious, comprehensive policy approach to develop, create and sustain a more INCLUSIVE, HEALTHY, VIBRANT and RESILIENT food system in Denver.
Denver Food Action Plan The Food Action Plan is a set of strategic projects to increase food equity in the city. The plan serves as an action-oriented companion piece to the Denver Food Vision, an aspirational view of advancing our food system in Denver. The Food Action Plan is fulfilled through a series of ongoing projects led by DDPHE in collaboration with community and city partners.
Community and Advocacy The Denver Sustainable Food Policy Council is a citizen-driven food policy council that is appointed by the Mayor to educate, advise on city food policy, laws, and programs, promote food security and a sustainable food system.