Food Businesses and Events Operating a food business or event requires a plan. Learn more about licensing, permitting, food handling and safety, and other important guidance.
Growing Food Find support for gardeners, urban farmers, or cottage food producers. Learn how to grow food, sell your products, or find local farmers markets or farms.
Denver's Food Vision Learn about Denver's plan to ensure the local food system is healthy, inclusive, vibrant, and resilient. View progress, policies, success stories, and how we're engaging the community.
Food Assistance Access food resources for individuals and families such as food pantries, free meals, federal assistance programs (SNAP, WIC, etc.), and related resources.
Food Sustainability and Food Waste Denver has a key role to play in climate solutions. Learn how you can save food, buy local, reduce waste, and how the city is doing our part.
Resources for Partner Food Organizations Are you an organization or non-profit serving Denver? Access food-related funding opportunities, technical assistance, and other resources related to food donation, licensing, safety, and sustainability.