The Denver Animal Protection (DAP) Advisory Committee works closely with DAP and the community to promote a sustainable approach to animal welfare policies and services in the City and County of Denver. The DAP Advisory Committee provides expertise and advice to further its mission, representing community interests, promoting community awareness, and helping to make Denver the most pet-friendly city in the nation. The committee represents the voice of the community, helping DAP understand community needs and how to better serve its residents and animal population.
DAP provides animal care and protection services for all of Denver County. We foster the human-animal bond by protecting the safety and welfare of Denver's animals and citizens. DAP is committed to providing humane care to companion animals; reuniting lost pets with their owners; adopting pets to loving homes; enforcing Denver County animal ordinances; and proactively educating the public about animals, their needs, and DAP's critical role as a community resource. DAP operates Denver Animal Shelter (DAS), an open-admission shelter that’s home to more than 7,500 lost and abandoned pets each year.
Membership of the DAP Advisory Committee consists of at least five members of the community that represent a diverse experience not limited to animal welfare. Each committee member may serve up to two consecutive two-year terms. The DAP Advisory Committee meets bi-monthly.
We are currently seeking Denver residents to join the DAP Advisory Committee. It’s our goal to assemble an inclusive and diverse committee to ensure understanding of community needs and provide even better service to Denver residents and animals.
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