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The citywide minimum wage rate is required to increase annually according to the calculation of the Consumer Price Index. Ordinance requires the Denver Department of Finance to perform this calculation, while our office enforces the calculated rate and educated employers year-round.

The minimum wage is $18.81 per hour in 2025. Food and beverage industry employers can claim up to $3.02 in tip credits, making the 2025 tipped wage $15.79 per hour.

Read more about Finance’s calculation here.

Mandatory Wage Posters

Denver Wage Ordinances require employers to display the required civil wage theft and prevailing wage posters in English and Spanish at the workplace. Employers must share the bilingual wage notice in any manner that will provide workers with ready access to it. This could include, for example: posting the notice in a physically-convenient location; providing it directly to each worker; or sharing it electronically. 

 Civil Wage Theft - Mandatory Work Site Poster Prevailing Wage - Mandatory Work Site Poster 
Mandatory work site poster(PDF, 633KB)  Mandatory Prevailing Wage Poster(PDF, 441KB)

Mandatory Work Site Poster for 2025(PDF, 633KB)

Download the Prevailing Wage Work Site Poster(PDF, 441KB)


Other Helpful Minimum Wage Tools

Underpayment Calculator

This spreadsheet (downloadable below) is a tool to determine the amount of back pay owed to current or previous employees. To use the 2025 Underpayment Calculator, download the Excel file and enter the relevant payroll information - hours worked, hourly wage paid, and tips earned. The Excel file is available in both English and Spanish. If an underpayment is owed or you have difficulty using the 2025 Underpayment Calculator, please contact Denver Labor.

Download Underpayment Calculator(XLSX, 138KB) Calculadora para empleadores(XLSX, 141KB)

Minimum Wage Underpayment Calculator for 2025(XLSX, 138KB)

Denver Regional Address Finder

This interactive map is a tool to determine whether a business or work location is within the City and County of Denver. This tool is meant to assist in filing or responding to a complaint. Denver Labor will make a final determination regarding jurisdiction on all investigated complaints.

To start using the tool, click the blue button "OK" on the bottom right corner of the map.

Tip Credit Tracker

This voluntary form is provided for employers to keep track of tips received by employees and calculate tip credits. 

Tip Credit Form

Download the Tip Credit Tracker

Denver's Minimum Wage: FAQ

When does the minimum wage increase?

January 1 of each year.

How much will the wage increase?

The citywide minimum wage in 2025 is $18.81 per hour. Minimum wage for tipped workers in the food and beverage industry will be $15.79 as long as they receive $3.02 in tips per hour.

Wage rates timeline for Denver's citywide minimum wage.

Transcript of Denver Wages Timeline(PDF, 97KB)

Minimum wage timeline in Denver.

The citywide minimum wage was $12.85 per hour in 2020, $14.77 per hour in 2021, $15.87 per hour in 2022, $17.29 per hour in and $18.29 per hour in 2024. The rate increases to $18.81 per hour on January 1, 2025.

How is the wage increase calculated?

According to ordinance, the Denver Department of Finance calculates the annual increase based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The methodology is laid out in ordinance and is similar to how the State of Colorado calculates its statewide minimum wage. According to ordinance, the adjustment calculation compares the Consumer Price Index for the first half of the previous year to the first half of the current year. The Consumer Price Index is designed to help workers keep up with the cost of living in their area.

Why does minimum wage matter?

  • Raising the minimum wage increases worker productivity. Studies by leading economists, including Nobel laureate George Akerlof of Georgetown University, found that employee morale and work ethic increase when employees believe they are paid a fair wage. Economists have also linked higher wages to better physical and mental health and reduced “decision fatigue,” leading to higher productivity.

  • Raising the minimum wage reduces turnover. Higher wages lead to lower employee turnover, resulting in reduced recruiting and training costs. An analysis by the Center for American Progress estimates that the cost of replacing low-wage workers is equal to about 16 percent of the employee’s annual salary.  
  • A 2012 study by Arin Dube, William Lester, and Michael Reich concluded that increases in the minimum wage can reduce turnover substantially, leading to savings in turnover costs. 

  • Raising the minimum wage reduces absenteeism. When workers earn higher wages, they are absent from work less, leading to increased productivity. A 2010 paper from economists Laura Bucilia and Curtis Simon concluded that higher minimum wages are associated with lower rates of absenteeism for reasons other than illness. 
  • Raising the minimum wage increases consumer spending and boosts the economy. A study by Doug Hall and David Cooper estimated that a $2.55 increase in the minimum wage would increase the earnings of low-wage workers by $40 billion and result in a significant increase in GDP and employment.

  • A raise in the minimum wage predominantly benefits low-wage workers, precisely those most likely to put additional income directly back into the economy, kickstarting a virtuous cycle of greater demand for goods and services, job growth, and increased productivity.

  • When the minimum wage goes up, workers’ health dramatically improves. Minimum wage increases are associated with less tobacco, drug, and alcohol use, lower rates of child neglect, improved birthweights for children born to low-income parents, and lower rates of suicide.  

Resources and Contact

Contact Us

If you have questions about Denver's Minimum Wage Ordinance or want to submit a wage complaint, please contact us by phone or by email. Denver Labor is here to help.

CALL: 720-913-WAGE (9243)


Minimum Wage Enforcement
Learn about Civil Wage Theft

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