Boulevard Brownfields Initiative Site Assessment Application
In 2022, the Denver Brownfields Program in partnership with the City of Sheridan and Urban Land Conservancy (ULC) were awarded a $500,000 Brownfields Assessment Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to launch the Boulevard Brownfields Initiative (BBI) – South Federal Boulevard Brownfields Assessment Grant, which will fund environmental assessments of approximately 10 brownfields sites along the South Federal Boulevard Corridor. For the purposes of the grant, the BBI boundaries are comprised of properties along South Federal Boulevard from 6th Avenue to the southern boundary of Sheridan and approximately two blocks on either side. The City’s approach to brownfields redevelopment and economic development is based on the basic philosophy that development should be prioritized by the intersection of need and opportunity.
Summary of the Application Process
The application process is overseen by Denver Brownfields Program (DBP) A site selection committee should consist of a representative from the City and County of Denver, City of Sheridan, Urban Land Conservancy plus one representative each from the Colorado Division of Oil and public Safety (OPS) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). The site selection committee may be added to include a member of the business or development community and a community resident, preferrable one resides within proximity to the site that is being considered.
The intent of the site selection committee is to provide experience and insight from numerous aspects including environmental investigation and cleanup, brownfields site redevelopment, grant partners, economic development, community planning, community engagement, and community members in the site selection and approval process such that approved project sites are likely to be feasible, successful, provide community benefits, protect public health and the environment, and meet the grant requirements which will fund the assessment activities at selected sites. Environmental site assessments are conducted by environmental consultants under contract with the City (there are currently seven firms). The City pays the consultant costs directly through grant funds.
Below is an outline of each step related to the application process. In general, from time of application to final report process is anticipated to take six to eight weeks.
Step One: Meet with City Representative
Prior to submitting an application to the DBP, it is highly recommended that the applicant meet with DBP staff to discuss the potential project. This will allow the staff to learn more about the potential project and evaluate the potential project within the context of the EPA requirements. Additionally, the applicant will be able to ask questions related to the application process, potential project scope, and additional financial resources.
Step Two: Submittal of Application
The application can be obtained from the DBP web pages. The DBP staff representative can address any questions about the application. Following receipt of an application, the DBP will submit a site eligibility request to the EPA or Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety. The agency must first approve the site in order for the DBP to utilize grant funds on the proposed site. In general, this is a grant requirement to insure that grant funds do not benefit potentially responsible parties which caused the contamination. The agency approval process typically occurs concurrently with step three. Should the agency determine that the site is ineligible, the applicant will be notified and the application process for the site will cease.
Step Three: Presentation to the Committee
The applicant may be asked to make a brief project presentation to the committee which can be done via conference call. The purpose of the presentation is to allow the committee to learn more about the specific project details. This meeting will take place within five days from the time the application is submitted. The presentation is generally takes ten minutes. Immediately after the presentation, the committee will vote on the expenditure of grant funds for the brownfield project.
Step Four: Performance of Work Scope
Once approved, the DBP staff will issue Notice to Proceed to the environmental consultant and coordinate with the applicant on site assessment activities,including review of draft reports.
Please fill out the application to the extent of your knowledge. The goal of this application is to provide as much information to the committee as possible and the information provided will assist in the site evaluation process. Please contact Dave Wilmoth with any questions.
Click here to view form.
*The Brownfields Law outlines specific criteria by which hazardous substance and petroleum sites may be eligible for brownfields funding. Briefly, these criteria are that the site must be of “relatively low risk,” there can be no viable responsible party, the applicant cannot be potentially liable for cleaning up the site, and the site must not be subject to a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective action order. If a party is identified as being responsible for the site and that party is financially viable, then the site is not eligible for brownfields grant funds.