Hotel and restaurant

A hotel and restaurant license shall be issued to people selling alcohol beverages in the place where the alcohol is to be consumed.

Sales and service

  • Sale, service and consumption of beer, wine, and liquor by the drink for on-premises consumption.
  • Must have a full kitchen with adequate personnel, equipment, and food to prepare meals. Meals must be available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., sandwiches and light snacks after 8 p.m.
    • Meals must be prepared on the licensed premises, unless prepared at a licensed kitchen under the licensee's exclusive management and control.
    • At least 25% of the gross annual income must be from the sale of food.

Hours of operation

Seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m.

Multiple interests

Multiple ownership is legal with the following other classes:

  • Other hotel and restaurant and tavern liquor licenses
  • Hotel and restaurant with optional premises
  • Retail gaming tavern licenses
  • Racetrack licenses
  • Brew pubs
  • Arts licenses
  • Beer and wine licenses
  • Club licenses
  • Public transportation system license
  • Vintner's restaurant licenses


  • If someone other than a principal to the licensee manages the licensed premises, then the manager must register and pay a $30 fee to the city and the state.
  • Any changes in managers must be reported within five days and a new manager must be registered within 30 days.
  • With multiple-owned hotel and restaurant liquor licenses, each location must have a separate and distinct manager.
  • Full set of fingerprints.