Retail liquor store

Sale of beer, wine, and liquor by the package for off-premises consumption.  

Retail liquor stores can sell non-food items related to the consumption of liquor (for example, soft drinks and mixers; tobacco products; coasters, glasses, stir sticks, etc.).

Sales and service

  • Sale, service and consumption of beer, wine, and liquor in sealed containers for off-premises consumption.
  • Can sell any nonalcoholic products if the annual gross revenues from such sales do not exceed 20%. (Effective July 1, 2016)

Hours of operation

Retail liquor stores can be open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to midnight.

Multiple interests

Multiple ownership is not allowed with retail liquor store licenses except in an arts liquor license or an airline public transportation system license or ownership of up to two retail liquor store licenses that meet legal requirements. (Effective Jan. 1, 2017)

Distance restriction

A 500-foot distance restriction from public and parochial schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries applies to new retail liquor store applications.

A 1,500-foot distance restriction from another retail liquor store or liquor-licensed drugstore. (Effective July 1, 2016)


The names of all managers of retail liquor store licenses must be provided to the local and state licensing authorities whether a principal to the licensee or someone else manages the licensed premises.