Refer to the Marijuana Facility Location Guide(PDF, 402KB). The guide provides tools for applicants to conduct initial research on locations. It also includes information about neighborhoods of undue concentration. Information on other location, proximity, and zoning requirements for different marijuana businesses.
For marijuana stores, hospitality business, hospitality and sales businesses, and cultivations, use the Denver marijuana proximity check tool. It searches the address of your proposed location. The tool will help you research whether your location meets the proximity rules.
The marijuana licensed establishment permitting and licensing guide(PDF, 267KB), can be used by businesses who have a physical licensed premise. To understand the steps a business may need to navigate with all city departments the guide includes an overview of the commercial construction process and inspections. For marijuana stores, hospitality business, hospitality and sales businesses, and cultivations, you can use the Denver marijuana proximity check tool to search the address of your proposed location. The tool will help you research whether your location meets the proximity rules.