Massage business

Online training videos are available for massage business applications.

What is a massage business? 

A massage business is where any massage is practiced or administered in exchange for payment. There are some specific exceptions). Chapter 33.5 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code governs massage businesses. Denver requires a license for massage businesses as part of its strategy to combat human trafficking.

Do I need a massage business license?

If you operate a massage business in Denver, you must have a license as of July 1, 2022. Massage businesses where a licensed massage therapist practices as a solo practitioner do not have to get a license. The following are also exempt from getting a license: 

  • Public and private schools accredited by the state board of education. Or approved by the state division of private occupational schools.
  • Facilities providing massage services by employees of any governmental entity.
  • Training rooms of a recognized professional or amateur sports organization, dance troupe, bona fide athletic club, or other such athletic organization. A bona fide athletic club is an athletic club that receives 10% or less of its gross income from providing massages to its members or the public.
  • Offices, clinics, and other facilities where health care professionals licensed or registered with any state provide massage services to the public during their health care profession.
  • Barber shops, beauty salons, and other facilities where barbers and cosmetologists licensed by the state provide massage services to the public during their professions.
  • A place of business where anyone offers to perform or performs massage for no more than 72 hours in any six-month period. Also, the massage is part of a public or charity event.
  • A place of business where a licensed massage therapist practices as a solo practitioner.
  • A place of business that employs individuals who do not claim expressly or implicitly to be massage therapists. Provides alternative methods that employ contact. "Alternative methods that employ contact" include, but are not limited to:
    • Practices using reflexology, auricular therapy, and meridian therapies that affect the reflexes of the body.
    • Practices using touch, words, and directed movements to deepen someone's awareness of movement patterns in their body. This could be the Feldenkrais method, the Trager approach, and body-mind centering.
    • Practices using touch or healing touch to affect the human energy systems. This could include reiki, shiatsu, and meridians.
    • Structural integration practices such as Rolfing and Hellerwork.
    • The process of muscle activation techniques.

Are individual massage therapists required to be licensed by Denver?

Denver does not issue licenses to individual massage therapists. Massage therapists must have a state massage therapy license issued by the Colorado Office of Massage Therapy Licensure. Massage businesses must maintain a valid copy of a state massage therapist license for each person to be licensed as a massage therapist.  

Businesses where a licensed massage therapist practices as a solo practitioner are exempt from this license.

How do I apply for a massage business license?

Applications for massage business licenses are available online only.


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