Tenant and landlord resources and information

Information and resources for tenants of residential rental properties in Denver.

Tenant rights and resources

Information related to tenant rights and resources, and obligations of landlords.

Tenant Rights and Resources - English(PDF, 981KB)

Tenant Rights and Resources - Spanish(PDF, 283KB)

Warrant of habitability information

Information about the warrant of habitability and contact information for resource agencies.

Warrant of Habitability Quick Fact Sheet

Colorado Poverty Law Project resources for warranty of habitability issues. 


Denver Anti-Discrimination Office

The Denver Anti-Discrimination Office works toward ending many forms of discrimination. Discrimination is not allowed related to housing or source of income.

Landlords cannot discriminate based on source of income. Read the full ordinance here.

File discrimination complaints to this office.

Denver Metro Fair Housing Center

Information about tenant rights, resources, and how to file complaints related to housing.

Denver Metro Fair Housing Center

Colorado Housing Connects

Colorado Housing Connects can help Coloradans navigate through non-emergency housing services and resources. Information about housing services for renters, landlords, and fair housing concerns.

Colorado Housing Connects

Department of Housing Stability Temporary Rent Assistance

Report tenant complaints against landlords

Colorado tenants who’ve experienced legal rights violations by landlords can report them at stopfraudcolorado.gov.

Report unlicensed landlords

You may file a complaint if you believe your landlord has not obtained the required residential rental license, or if they have not provided the required documentation including the Tenant Rights and Resources document and a written lease. A license is required for anyone offering, providing, or operating a residential rental property for 30 days or more. Complaint can be made to the department anonymously.

If you are facing urgently unsafe conditions, please call Denver Police Non-Emergency at (720) 913-2000. If you’re having an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

File a complaint form.