Extra shelters will be open through 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 13.
In 2018, Denver voters chose to create the Fair Elections Fund and have entrusted its success and administration to the Office of the Clerk and Recorder. The required debates provide healthy checks and balances for our democracy and elections and allow Denverites to directly engage with candidates and issue committees before casting their vote. Debates hold candidates accountable and provide transparency as they seek elected office in our city. The Office of the Clerk and Recorder is thrilled to partner with community organizations to host debates. Please find the debate sponsor application and answers to frequently asked questions below.
Find answers to frequently asked questions about FEF debates.
Organizations not affiliated with a political party or with any candidate or officeholder are eligible to sponsor one or more debates. Sponsors may not endorse any candidate running in the 2023 Municipal Election.
Each debate will be at least one hour. Dates, locations and times of these debates will be the responsibility of the organization in partnership with the Office of the Denver Clerk and Recorder.
Interested organizations must fill out the provided application and submit it to the Office of the Denver Clerk and Recorder by Thursday, December 8, 2022.
The written application shall include:
Click here to download the FEF Debate Sponsor Application. (PDF, 292KB)
Each organization and co-sponsor will submit one application together. Each separate organization will need to complete their own “Organization Verification” (Part I) and sign separate affidavits. All organizations/co-sponsors will complete one “Debate Program Proposal” (Part II).
Fair Elections Fund (FEF) Flyer(PDF, 540KB)
Hosting a Candidate Forum guide from Non-profit Vote