Denver's cold weather shelters will remain open as long as weather conditions are met.
NOTICE: Due to a technological issue, some document images are temporarily unavailable for viewing online. The affected documents in question were recorded from 1935 through 1970 and may be obtained or accessed for viewing by contacting the recording department directly. Please note that all document types are affected for the aforementioned timeframes. However, all indexing information is still available.
Remote access to recording and marriage services is available!
Due to capacity constraints, visitors to our office are limited to only the parties with appointments.
Notice Regarding Recorded DocumentsRecording a document with our office creates a permanent, public record of all the information in that document. Once recorded, your document will be available to the public online and in our archives in the office. Please be certain that you want to record documents in Denver County. Denver County cannot reject these recorded documents or issue refunds for recording fees due to an improper submission.
To search for our marriage records:
You do NOT need to create an account to search the database.
Click "Marriage / Civil Unions" in the left pane of the search window.
You can then use the tool bars to view the record, download an electronic copy, or order a certified copy through the mail.
Click "Names" in the left pane of the search window.
In addition to documents available in the county recording database such as marriage and property records, the Office of the Clerk and Recorder is the custodian of various municipal records including:
These documents are available upon request by emailing
Copies of these records do not require a formal request through the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA). Learn more about filing CORA requests.
Learn more about other records in the City and County of Denver including Court, Motor Vehicle, and Vital Statistics by exploring these links:
Clerk and Recorder Paul López has made the Denver City Charter available to download.
Denver City Charter - English(PDF, 945KB)
Denver City Charter - Spanish(PDF, 1008KB)
NOTE: Charters up to date as of December, 2022
FraudSleuth is a monitoring and reporting tool that notifies users of any property records that match their profile. Take a proactive step in preventing identity theft fraud by signing up for FraudSleuth.
Sign Up Today
Not seeing an image for the record you are looking for in the recording database? Send an email to with the reception number so we can assist you.
To obtain certified copies of marriage licenses or other recorded documents, use our self-service Online Records Search and follow the prompts to make a certified copy request.
Certified copies of documents are $1 per document, plus $0.25 per page.
Records Fees and Forms
Paul D. LópezClerk and Recorder
Office of the Clerk and Recorder
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Closed during city holidays Call: 311 (720-913-1311 outside Denver) Hearing Impaired only (TTY): 720-913-8497 201 W. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80202 Facebook | Twitter