Denver Energy Code Requirements for Existing Buildings

The Denver municipal code includes planned updates to the Denver Building and Fire Code. These updates require partial electrification for all existing commercial and multifamily buildings when replacing gas-fired space and water heating and cooling equipment. This happens:  

  • Upon system replacement, at the end of system life
  • When installing an electric heat pump will not cause economic hardship
  • Regardless of building size  

These electrification requirements change the way you prepare and apply for building permits. They also change the types of equipment you are allowed to install when replacing space and water heating and cooling systems. The first set of changes went into effect on March 1, 2023. 

Requirements will phase in over time, through additional updates to the Denver Building Code. 

These electrification requirements apply to all existing commercial and multifamily buildings. These buildings are regulated by the Denver Energy Code’s Commercial Provisions. This includes commercial buildings, multifamily apartment buildings, and multifamily condominium buildings.