Creating Your Compliance Pathway

Enhancing Flexibility in 2025

Through the rest of 2024, Denver will be working with you to improve and strengthen the Energize Denver Building Performance Policy.  The city is proposing several significant updates to the policy, including: 

  • HVAC: Additional flexibility for owners to choose HVAC replacement timing (end of service life) if that is part of their compliance strategy. 
  • Target Cap: A cap for the maximum required reduction required so that no building has to save more than 42%. With this change, one-third of the buildings would benefit and Denver would still meet its goals. 
  • Vacancy: An alternate compliance option just for buildings facing vacancy or financial distress. 
  • Lease Changes: An alternate compliance option for timeline adjustments related to lease termination. 
  • Adaptive Reuse: A 2030 target adjustment for adaptive reuse projects for saving the building.
  • Penalties: Adjusting the penalty rate schedules for timeline adjustments so buildings have more time to turn in applications at the lower penalty rate.
  • Rebates: Developing rebates for energy audits and for early compliance energy efficiency measures.
  • Other: Additions and guiding information for the Technical Guidance manual.  

You can check out the proposed updated rules and technical guidance and provide feedback on how these changes will impact your compliance journey. The city is committed to Energize Denver as a key piece of our work to make Denver more vibrant. We look forward to improving how we support building owners with compliance so all can join the 25% of Denver buildings that have already met their Energize Denver targets. 

Target Adjustments

You should definitely be checking your benchmarking to make sure you have accounted for any special benchmarking considerations that could lower your energy use or adjust your 2030 target.

You may apply to adjust your building’s 2030 energy performance target for a variety of reasons: 

  • Significant variations in operations or inherent characteristics of the building itself, such as: 
    • Operating hours
    • Parking energy use that you are unable to exclude from benchmarking
    • Swimming pools
    • Data centers (defined in Glossary)
  • Previous benchmarking submissions had incorrect information, like:
    • Wrong building type classification
    • Needed square footage corrections
    • Inaccurate energy data that affects the baseline
    • A high-intensity space (such as a restaurant) was not accounted for in the largest three building types
  • Building alterations:
    • Building type has changed due to a renovation
    • Building has added or demolished square footage with a different or high-intensity property type 

We are currently offering the following target adjustments, based on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods. More adjustments may be added in the future as the EPA develops additional methodology. 2019 benchmarking data must be verified by a third-party.  

Adjustment Type

Eligible Building Types

Operating Hours

Office, Retail Store, Worship Facility, Non-refrigerated Warehouse, Refrigerated Warehouse, Supermarket/Grocery Store

Indoor Swimming Pool

All building types

Outdoor Swimming Pool

All building types

Parking – open

All building types

Parking – partially enclosed

All building types

Parking – completely enclosed

All building types

Data Centers

All building types with Class B data centers

For all adjustment requests, you will need to submit the following: 

If you are a building owner that is currently on or are planning to join the Denver District Cooling Loop, please reach out to the Help Desk after the submission of your first benchmarking report with district chilled water usage. Because you are on this loop, we will apply a target adjustment to your 2030 target. Current Denver District Cooling Loop users will automatically have a target adjustment applied in February 2024. This adjustment does not require an application.

Deadline for Target Adjustment Submissions 

You can apply for a target adjustment at any time. However, you need to be aware of the impact the adjustment could make, not only on the 2030 targets, but also the interim targets. The earlier you submit the application, the better off you will be when it comes to performance evaluation.  

  • If you would like the target adjustments completed before the beginning of the first performance period in calendar year 2024, the deadline for submission is October 1, 2023
  • To have the 2024 Interim target adjusted before performance evaluation in 2025, the deadline for submission is December 31, 2024.  

Electrification Adjustments

Xcel Energy’s goal is to reach 80% renewable electricity by 2030. The more we rely on electricity to run Denver's buildings, the more we reduce Denver’s greenhouse gas emissions. Because of this, we are incentivizing you to electrify your building as part of the performance requirements. The Performance Policy does NOT require you to electrify your space or water heating equipment.

If at least 80% of your building’s total energy use comes from electricity, we will make your 2030 target 10% easier to reach. For example, if your target is an EUI of 50, we would give you a 10% "bonus," making your new target a 55. There are two ways to get this “bonus:"  

  • For buildings that already use at least 80% of its energy from electricity (based on the 2019 baseline), the city will add your 10% "bonus” automatically. We will notify you of this change in early 2023.
  • If you plan to reach 80% electrification by 2030, you can apply for an Alternate Compliance Option (ACO). Once the city approves your ACO, we will adjust your final Performance Requirement to reflect the 10% “bonus.” Please note with this method, you will face penalties if you fail to reach 80% electrification because you are signing an ACO agreement that becomes your compliance plan. 
  • MAI Buildings are eligible for a Fossil Fuel Reduction Credit instead of the Electrification Credit

The city will calculate your percent electricity when we check your performance with the 2024, 2027 and 2030 targets. If we find that you have reached 80% electrification, we will add the 10% EUI “bonus” to your target before we apply renewable credits and check EUI performance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will heat pumps help me reach my Performance Requirements?  

Heat pumps are much more efficient than other types of heating and cooling systems because they move heat instead of creating it. Depending on the type of existing heating in your building and on the type of heat pump installed, you may be able to reach a reduction in energy use of 5-30%.  

Replacing rooftop units and furnaces with heat pumps will result in the greatest EUI reduction (24-30%). Heat pumps can also replace water heaters. For example, replacing a gas water heater with a heat pump water heater can reduce energy use by up to 15%. Heat pumps are often similar in cost to comparable gas systems, with the added benefits of reduced EUI, lower gas bills and improved indoor air quality.  

Do other types of renewable energy like geothermal or hydropower count towards my performance target? 

At this time, only solar and wind are counted in the renewable credit, though geothermal is likely to help lower the EUI of a building through more efficient heating and cooling.  


How does the city plan to update the policy to account for changes in technology over time? 

Denver is committed to performing a review of the technology landscape every four years. This will allow us to determine whether any adjustments are required to account for changes in technology within this ordinance. The city may also adjust the policy over time based on implementation and stakeholder feedback.  

I want to install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations but won’t that increase my EUI?

Denver considers the electricity used to power EV charging stations a “transportation” use, instead of a “building” use. This means you can exclude the energy can from your benchmarking report. Our Special Considerations page has instructions on excluding EV charging stations. You can also find other things you can exclude from your benchmarking.   

My building is on the downtown district steam loop. What are my options for compliance?

Just because your building is on district steam does not mean it can’t be high-performing. For instance, 15% of our steam buildings already meet their 2030 target!

Xcel Energy is currently examining how to decarbonize the steam loop at a system level. Because of this we’d rather you not upgrade expensive equipment until the study bears some results. You have the option to apply for a Timeline Adjustment. This will allow you to delay decisions on the equipment attached to the steam system. You’ll still need to address all of the other energy use in your building in the meantime (like improving operations, lighting, and building automation systems, etc.).  

I was told that there are energy service capacity issues at my location that would prevent me from upgrading my equipment or installing electric vehicle charging stations. What can I do?

We often engage with builders, developers, and customers who want upgraded service. Often this is to support building electrification. Unfortunately, we often hear that these projects are delayed or prevented. This is because distribution- and/or service-level equipment has insufficient capacity. Denver’s goal is to work with Xcel Energy and the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to address capacity constraints. This is critical for meeting our climate goals.

Energy service capacity constraints are a valid reason to get a timeline adjustment. If Xcel Energy has informed you that it does not have capacity to serve your project we recommend:

  • Using this email template(DOCX, 25KB) to request further information from Xcel Energy
    • You should request that information from your most recent contact at Xcel Energy
  • Making a public comment to the PUC using these instructions(PDF, 176KB).
    • This ensures they are informed of building owner constraints as they make future policy decisions.  

You can then apply for your timeline adjustment. You will need to include:

  • The response you get from Xcel Energy
  • Results from an ASHRAE Level 2 energy audit
  • A retrofit plan that details what you plan to do with the building to meet the 2030 EUI target
  • Several additional items

If the service capacity delay is related to one specific piece of equipment or electrification of your space and water heating equipment, the retrofit plan should items you plan to do while waiting for Xcel Energy to address the capacity constraint. This includes:

  • Other energy efficiency measures you plan to take
  • Operations and maintenance improvements you will perform in the building

The Renewable Credit

We want to see more renewable energy capacity built and added to our electric grid. Xcel Energy incentivizes a large percentage of the renewable energy projects in Denver. Xcel retains the Renewable Energy Credits (REC) in exchange for those incentives. Because of this, Energize Denver will give you credit for renewable generation regardless of who owns the RECs.  

We will credit on- and off-site solar or wind power generation to the building’s total energy use before we evaluate performance targets. Renewable energy generation will count whether you retained the RECs or not. There are caveats for long and short-term installations or contracts. We will calculate the credit on an annual basis, based on generation from the 12-month performance period being evaluated.  

Check out the new Building Performance Forecasting Calculator to see how renewable energy generation can affect your EUI.

Long-term Installation or Contract Requirements:

  • On-site installation: proof that you have installed solar or wind. 
  • Off-site installation: proof of interconnection and permission to operate
  • Off-site owned by third party: evidence of a subscription, lease, or purchase of a share in either a voluntary renewable energy program offered by Xcel Energy OR a community project located in Public Service Company of Colorado territory. The term of purchase must be at least five (5) years and must be renewed a minimum of every five (5) years for the life of the building 


Short-term Contract or Subscription Requirements:

Short-term contracts will be allowed on a declining scale to assist building owners with interim targets. These short-term contracts must meet several standards:  
  • Like long-term contracts, they must be through an Xcel Energy program or a community project located in Public Service Company of Colorado territory.
  • The contract must be at least 12 months long. 
  • The contract must cover all 12 months of the performance period we analyze for your interim target. 
  • You must renew the contract annually for maintenance of the target through the next interim target date. 
  • If you wish to use renewable credits for your 2030 target, you should replace short-term contracts with long-term contracts over time.  

We will allow short-term contracts for renewable generation on the following scale: 

  • 2024, 2025, 2026: up to 20% of the building’s electricity usage
  • 2027, 2028, 2029: up to 10% of the building’s electricity usage
  • 2030 and beyond: short-term contracts not allowed 

Examples of Renewables in Denver

Type of Contract

Possible Program

Solar/Wind power generated capacity on-site


Net Metering, Solar*Rewards

Solar/Wind power generated capacity off-site


Off-site solar or wind

Multifamily building where tenants purchased solar through Community Solar Garden subscription


Solar*Rewards Community

Community Solar Garden Host (credit available if a portion of kWhs generated are distributed to building directly)


Solar*Rewards Community

Subscription for solar and/or wind power generation (5 years minimum contract)



Subscription for solar and/or wind generation (month-to-month or less than 5 years)



You will need to submit information on energy generation every year to receive the Renewable Credit. You will need to prepare the following information before going to the submission form:  

  • Total kWhs generated or purchased during the 12-month performance period
  • Which type of installation or contract it is (long vs. short term)?
  • Were the RECs retained?
  • A copy of the ownership paperwork or contract (you only need to submit this once)
  • Upload one month’s example of a bill or report that shows the kWhs generated in that year

Apply for the Renewable Credit



Frequently Asked Questions

How can renewable energy help my building reach its performance requirements?

Renewable energy is a great way to reach your EUI target. You will get credit for on- or off-site solar or wind power generation. We'll add this to the building’s total energy use before we evaluate your performance targets. Renewable energy generation will count whether you retained the renewable energy credits or not. We will calculate the credit on an annual basis. The credit is based on generation from the 12-month performance period.

Credit for renewables is unlimited for long-term installations or subscriptions. However, there are limits for short-term installations or contracts.

Watch How to Report Renewables

Learn more about the Renewable Credit

Can I receive the renewable credit if I buy out-of-state renewable energy?

No. You may use renewable energy subscriptions owned by a third party. But you can only receive the Renewable Credit if:

  • The energy comes from a voluntary renewable energy program offered by Xcel Energy or a community project


  • A dedicated renewable energy resource is located in the Public Service Company of Colorado territory.

Review Section 3.5 in the Technical Guidance for more detailed information. 

If I can’t find any renewable subscription capacity or current community solar gardens are at capacity, can a building owner get a timeline adjustment? Does being on a waitlist count towards EUI targets?

No. You are not currently able to get a Timeline adjustment based on the availability of any renewable option. This applies regardless of waitlist status. We encourage you to explore energy efficiency and electrification measures. The first step is to get an ASHRAE Level 2 audit of your building. Then focus on reducing your building EUI.  

Can I purchase RECs to receive renewables credits instead of installing solar?

Yes. We encourage you to consider a long-term contract to buy Renewable Energy Credits (RECs). But those RECs must be from a project in the Public Service Company of Colorado territory. Section 3.5 in the Technical Guidance has more detailed information about these requirements.

See How to Report Renewables

Learn more about the Renewable Credit section 

Where can I find more information on community solar options?

You can find community solar opportunities on Xcel Energy’s Solar*Rewards Community page.

Watch Understanding Solar Options for your Building

Please note that this webinar begins with a short introduction from our interpreter in Spanish

Does a building need to have full 12 months of renewables in order to have it count?

The subscription or installation must be long term but you can count your solar/wind if you have subscribed at any point in a performance year. The subscription does not have to start at the beginning of the performance year. For example, if the project went live in June, you could count the kWh generated from June to December that year.

If I use renewables for part of my compliance in Denver, will it count at the state level also?

Colorado and Denver have different renewable energy rules in their building performance policies. Denver uses it as a bonus to incentivize local renewable energy. Colorado is more strict about how and when renewable energy counts towards compliance.

See the Colorado Energy Office BPP


Alternate Compliance Options

A building owner may apply for one of the following alternate compliance options (ACO).  This section outlines the minimum requirements for documentation and process for requesting each type of alternate compliance option.


Minimum Requirements:

Required documentation varies for each type of alternate compliance option: 

For information on which documents are required for each type of alternate compliance option, see the submission lists within each alternate compliance option’s description.   



This alternate compliance option is for building owners that would like more certainty in applying the electrification credit at the time of ACO approval and working towards established interim and final targets. Working through this ACO means that 80% minimum electrification of the building becomes a requirement of the compliance plan.  

To apply for this Alternate Compliance Option, you must submit: 

30% Reduction Property Types

Some building types have a simple 30% energy use reduction goal instead of a 2030 EUI Target. This is because of their unique building types and a lack of national or local data. However, a 30% energy use reduction may not be appropriate for every individual building. This ACO outlines a process for you to work with the Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency to determine the appropriate energy reduction goal. If the Landmark Preservation Commission has limited what energy efficiency measures you can perform in your historical building, you could apply to this alternate compliance option.  

Eligible building types: 

  • Aquarium
  • Convention Center
  • Ice/Curling Rink
  • Indoor Arena
  • Museum
  • Other – Entertainment/Public Assembly
  • Other – Technology/Science
  • Transportation Terminal/Station
  • Zoo
  • Historical buildings where the Landmark Preservation Commission has limited the energy efficiency measures the building can take 


The application includes: 


 After we receive the application and supporting documentation: 

  1. We will review and compare the building’s benchmarking information to national medians and local site EUI data on buildings of the same property type. 
  2. We will schedule a meeting to discuss opportunities identified on the ASHRAE Level 1 spreadsheet. We will reference the 30% reduction goal and look at a possible target adjustment. 
  3. If you disagree with the first target adjustment we present, we will need additional informational to make a more thorough assessment. You will need to follow the procedures for a timeline adjustment and turn in additional information.  

Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial (MAI) Buildings

Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial (MAI) Buildings have several compliance pathways and metrics available so that you can customize a compliance plan based on your building's needs and operations. These compliance pathways and metrics were designed to meet the unique challenges these building types see as they work towards their performance targets.

See more about the MAI Alternate Compliance Option


Timeline Adjustments

Timeline Adjustment for All Benchmarked Buildings for 2024 Target

Denver has approved a one-year timeline adjustment to the 2024 target for all buildings that have a complete 2021 calendar year Benchmarking Report (2022 Reporting Year) on file with the city. For those buildings, the first interim target will be due in 2025 (97% of Denver's buildings have received this adjustment!). For buildings that did not benchmark their 2021 calendar year, you still have time to turn in your 2021 benchmarking! Please contact the help desk for more information. You can look up your building's due dates and EUI targets in the new Performance Requirements Look Up Tool. 

Reasons for Timeline Adjustments

You can apply for an adjustment to your compliance timeline. There are a variety of reasons that we accept, understanding that they could make achieving the interim or 2030 targets difficult. You can apply for a timeline adjustment that addresses just one target (such as 2024 only) or multiple targets with a single application.

Reasons to seek a timeline adjustment include, but are not limited to: 

  • Planning for end of major equipment system life (according to service life chart in Appendix C of the Technical Guidance(PDF, 2MB))
  • Planning for major renovation
  • A Landmark Preservation Commission review process means the work won’t be done in time for a target deadline
  • Financial distress defined as:
    • The building is the subject of a qualified tax lien sale or public auction due to property tax arrearages
    • The building is controlled by a court appointed receiver
    • The building has been acquired by a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
  • Electrification of space and water heating equipment or the entire building
  • You have a 1-year benchmarking exemption for the performance period of an interim or final target
  • District steam loop system limitations
  • Energy service capacity issues (use this template(DOCX, 25KB) to gather information from Xcel Energy)
  • Pending demolition within 2 years after a target due date
  • You are taking an innovative approach to energy efficiency in your building which results in implementation delays inherent in novel designs. Delays may include:
    • A longer design development process
    • Lengthier permit review process
    • Extended product lead times
    • Prolonged installation timelines
    • Equipment troubleshooting and commissioning
  • A change of building ownership where the new building owner will have difficulty complying on time (for example, if the new owner purchases the building in 2024 and the previous building owner did not make progress towards the 2024 target).
  • Under-resourced buildings may qualify for additional reasons not listed, such as financing cycles for qualified affordable housing buildings, considered on a case-by-case basis

We will consider other reasons on a case-by-case basis 

Natural or man-made disasters that affect your ability to meet the performance target deadline (such as fire, tornado, flood, etc.) may qualify for a timeline adjustment with a simpler application process. If you have experienced a situation that you think may qualify, schedule a discussion with the Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency before starting the application process.  


Putting together your application for a timeline adjustment is a robust process. We recommend that you read Section 3.6.2 of the Technical Guidance(PDF, 2MB) before proceeding. The Timeline Adjustment application for a single building requires:  

*Electrification Feasibility Reports are no longer required for timeline adjustments. 

When adding a building in the Audit Template Tool, it must be submitted through the Denver Energy Audit Report. You can add the report in two different ways:

  • Manually add each field through the website
  • Utilize the import feature to upload your building audit.

You can utilize the import spreadsheet(XLSX, 49KB) which highlights the required fields needed in order to submit your report. It is the auditor's responsibility to review and ensure all fields are added and correct prior to submitting the report.

The retrofit plan must detail what work you will complete in the building to meet your EUI target and on what timeline. If the reason you need a timeline adjustment is for end of system life, energy service capacity issues, or steam loop limitations, the retrofit plan must outline everything else you will do in the building to improve energy efficiency (including O&M improvements) while waiting for the end of system life or utility-level issues to be handled.


Deadlines for submitting an application are dependent on the target date that needs adjustment and early action to get reduced penalty rates. For buildings with a 2025 interim target:


Application Deadline

Alternate Compliance Penalty


June 30, 2024

$0.30/kBtu not achieved


December 31, 2024

$0.35/kBtu not achieved


December 31, 2025

$0.40/kBtu not achieved


Received After December 31, 2025

$0.50/kBtu not achieved

If you have a 2024 interim target or are an MAI building, see the Technical Guidance for your application deadlines.


Timeline Adjustment Notice: 

After we have completed our review of your submission, we will use the agreed-upon retrofit plan to create a notice that will state the new performance timeline for the building. The agreement will include:  

  • Agreed-upon timeline
  • Interim and final targets
  • Reporting requirements 
  • Penalties that will be assessed if the plan is not completed as agreed

Compliance Assistance for Equity Priority Buildings

Equity Priority Buildings serve frontline communities with less access to resources, who may face more barriers adapting to a changing climate. The compliance assistance program determines Equity Priority Buildings based on various criteria. Buildings may qualify for compliance assistance with the Energize Denver Performance Policy, if your building:
  • Is more than 30% regulated affordable housing units
  • Is located in Denver’s NEST neighborhoods with a high prioritization ranking on the equity index and serves frontline community members
  • Has significance to the neighborhood and serves frontline community members
  • Has human service providers as tenants or owners responsible for HVAC systems and/or utility bills
  • Is located in a Census tract below the Denver median income and meets one of the following:
    • In a census tract with a high prioritization ranking on the equity index
    • Serving frontline communities
  • Provides affordable rents, defined as being below 1/3 of the monthly Denver median income
  • Has a mission aligned with corporate social responsibility values such as livable wages, health benefits to employees, hiring a local workforce, donating profit to charities or causes, etc.

Qualified buildings will receive long-term free compliance assistance in meeting Energize Denver's Performance Requirements. This assistance goes beyond what the Energize Denver help desk typically provides. The service level a building receives will be based on the information you submit in your eligibility application, the building’s equity index score and prioritization, and available funding in the program.  

Compliance assistance will take a phased approach, starting with Benchmarking and Data Verification assistance. This ensures that Equity Priority Buildings correctly submit their benchmarking data and understand their EUI targets.