Energize Denver Help Desk
The Energize Denver Help Desk is a dedicated team of technical support specialists. They are readily available to assist you with any questions or issues related to complying with the Energize Denver requirements. They strive to provide prompt, efficient, and knowledgeable support to ensure you have a seamless experience with a centralized point of contact and program information.
How to Connect
Hours: 8am-5pm, M-F
Phone: (844)-536-4528
Schedule a Phone Appointment: https://energyreporting.as.me/appointment
Email for Buildings 25,000 sq. ft. and Larger: energizedenver@denvergov.org
Email for Buildings 5,000 - 24,999 sq. ft.: energizesmallbuildings@denvergov.org
Help in Spanish is also available!
Help Desk Services
The Energize Denver Help Desk can be your first point of contact with your questions as you meet your Energize Denver requirements. Their services fall into several large buckets:
Benchmarking Compliance Assistance
- ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager support
- Report submission
- Utility connection & troubleshooting
- Data quality check resolution
Performance Requirements Compliance Assistance
- Target and baseline data review
- Compliance planning
- Target adjustment consultation
- Alternative compliance option inquiry
- Resource & tool utilization
- Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial (MAI) building compliance support
- Equity Priority Building identification and enrollment
Compliance Resource Support
- Service provider identification
- Information on incentive, rebate, and financing opportunities
Expanded Help Desk Services
The city is committed to Energize Denver as a key piece of our work to make Denver more vibrant. We look forward to improving how we support building owners with compliance so all can join the 25% of Denver buildings that have already met their Energize Denver targets. Part of this program improvement will include:
Building Performance Requirements Consultation
Building owners are able to call into the Help Desk or schedule a phone appointment for a 1-on-1 building performance requirements consultation. During the consultation, the Help Desk will review the building’s benchmarking data, assess the building’s Energy Use Intensity (EUI) targets, and offer guidance on potential compliance plans and next steps.
Free Access to Basic Energy Management Software
Building owners will now have access to an energy management software, Touchstone IQ. The software will allow building owners to better understand their building’s energy usage at an individual or portfolio level and give access to a virtual energy assessment, project planning, and resource library.