Extra shelters will be open through 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 13.Rec centers and libraries will be open during normal business hours as daytime warming centers on Wednesday, Feb. 12.
Denver's Office of Climate Action maintains lists of service providers who are trained in Denver programs. Contractors and service providers can take virtual trainings about Denver programs such as Energize Denver and Electrification Feasibility Reports. Afterwards, they take comprehension quizzes to show they understood the content. When they pass the quiz, we add their name to the matching list. This makes it easier for you to find a contractor or service provider who is more familiar with Denver's programs.
Please note: the service providers’ qualifications have not been vetted by the city and we do not endorse their services. Listing their names in these directories simply identifies that they have completed a training and passed the comprehension quiz that follows.
The Directory for Buildings 25,000 sq. ft. and larger lists service providers that have passed these trainings:
This directory also includes service providers who have passed the training for Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial (MAI) buildings.
See the Large Building Directory
The Directory for Buildings 5,000-24,999 sq. ft. lists service providers that have passed these trainings:
See the Small Building Directory
The Directory for contractors trained on the Electrification Feasibility Report lists providers that have passed these trainings:
See the EFR Contractor Directory