Get Trained on Denver Programs

Contractors and service providers are often looked to as an expert decision maker for building owners and managers. Your clients will often defer to your expertise on hard questions about how to get their buildings into compliance with requirements like the Energize Denver Building Performance Policy or just to improve their buildings with new equipment like a heat pump.

The more you know about Denver's program requirements, the better resource you can be for your clients. Plus, many of our trainings will get you listed as a trained service provider with the city, which makes your name easier to find when building owners go looking for help.

Energize Denver Performance Trainings

ISO 50001 Strategic Energy Management Training for Manufacturing and Industrial Buildings

We were joined by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab to discuss ISO 50001 Ready, an international Strategic Energy Management framework, and how it can help manufacturing and industrial buildings in their Energize Denver compliance journey.


See the PowerPoint(PDF, 3MB)

2023 Energize Denver Ordinance Overview

Daniel Raynor from the City and County of Denver discusses the Energize Denver Performance Requirements for existing commercial and multifamily buildings. This webinar covers background information on the ordinance, a discussion of equity, benchmarking, performance requirements, and electrification requirements, information on support and incentives, and next steps.

Energize Denver Performance Requirements: Technical Guidance Series Part 1

The Energize Denver Benchmarking and Performance Requirements Technical Guidance was published on November 18, 2022. This webinar is a two-part series to delve into the technical details for buildings 25,000 square feet and larger to comply with this energy performance program. Part 1 on December 7 will address the background of the ordinance, equity considerations, equipment replacements for electrification, setting 2030 targets, target adjustments, an electrification credit and the renewables credit.


See the PowerPoint presentation(PDF, 2MB)

Energize Denver Performance Requirements: Technical Guidance Series Part 2

This is the second part of our two-part series that delves into the technical details for buildings 25,000 sq. ft. and larger to comply with the energy performance program. It covers four different alternate compliance options and minimum requirements, performance evaluation, penalty assessments, compliance scenarios, and support and incentives. It contains an hour of content and Q&A.


See the slide show(PDF, 1MB)

Building Performance Policy Training for Buildings 25,000 sq. ft. and Larger

To be added to the Directory for performance requirements, service providers must complete the following steps: 

  1. Watch the Energize Denver Part 1 video (21 min)backgroundequityelectrification updates to building codesmall buildings, disclosure upon sale, support and incentives
    1. See the Powerpoint Slides(PDF, 2MB)
  2. Watch the Energize Denver Part 2 video (27 min)benchmarking, performance requirements (setting targets, target adjustments, electrification creditrenewables credit
    1. See the Powerpoint Slides(PDF, 1MB)
  3. Watch the Energize Denver Part 3 video (28 min)alternate compliance options (minimum requirements, timeline adjustment, electrification option, 30% EUI reduction property type, manufacturing, agricultural and industrial buildings), performance evaluationpenalties
    1. See the Powerpoint Slides(PDF, 979KB)
  4. Pass the Energize Denver Service Provider Quiz
    1. This online quiz could take up to 45 minutes to complete and must be completed in one sitting. 
    2. Service providers must receive 40/40 on the quiz, but it may be taken as many times as needed. The Energize Denver Help Desk will only provide assistance if you have completed and passed the quiz.
  5. Email with your Name, Company, Email, Job Title, Applicable licenses or credentials and Phone Number to be added to the service providers list. 

Benchmarking Training for Buildings 25,000 sq. ft. and Larger

To be added to the Directory for benchmarking services, service providers must complete the following steps: 

  1. Watch the Portfolio Manager 101 and 201 trainings
  2. Watch the compliance training video series:
    1. Overview of Energize Denver Benchmarking (3 min)
    2. How to Create an Account (2 min)
    3. How to Add a Property in Energy Star Portfolio Manager (9 min)
    4. How to Add, Delete, or Change Your Use Type (5 min)
    5. Benchmarking for Normalized Performance Targets (9 min)
    6. How to Find and Attach Your Unique Building ID (3 min)
    7. How to Create Energy Meters and Manually Add Data (4 min)
    8. How to Create Energy Meters and Set up Xcel Auto Upload (6 min)
    9. How to Run the Data Quality Checker in Energy Star Portfolio Manager (2 min)
    10. How to Submit Your Data to the City (3 min)
    11. How to Request an Exemption (2 min)
  3. Pass the Benchmarking Service Provider Quiz.
    1. This online quiz could take up to 30 minutes to complete and must be completed in one sitting. 
    2. Service providers must receive 18/18 on the quiz, but it may be taken as many times as needed. Only upon successful completion of the quiz will the Help Desk assist the service provider with benchmarking.
  4. Email with your Name, Company, Email, Job Title, Applicable licenses or credentials, and Phone Number to be added to the service providers list. 

Building Performance Policy - Energy Manager Training

This training webinar helps energy managers better understand Denver's Building Performance Policy and how to get started. The training covers 1) What is Denver's BPP & what does it mean for you 2) How to pull useful data from Performance Manager 3) How to analyze building energy usage at an individual level and portfolio level 4) How to identify anomalies and high users 5) How to act on act on your findings and what to target.

The Manufacturing, Agricultural, and Industrial (MAI) Alternate Compliance Option

Daniel Raynor, CASR’s Industrial Administrator, held this first training webinar for the portion of the Energize Denver Ordinance concerning manufacturing, agricultural, and industrial (or MAI) buildings. Topics include:

(PDF, 4MB)See the slides(PDF, 3MB)

Performance Requirements for Buildings 5,000-24,999 sq. ft.


This video will go through the three compliance pathways for buildings 5,000-24,999 sq. ft. in order to meet the Energize Denver requirements: LED lighting, renewable energy, or alternate compliance. Building owners and managers will get to know these three compliance options, start to understand which one might be the best fit, and learn about other resources the city has built to help you comply.

See the PowerPoint Slides(PDF, 2MB)


Existing Building Electrification Trainings

How to Permit a Heat Pump

The permitting process for installing heat pumps has not changed, but it might be new for contractors used to applying for a Quick Permit. When a gas-fired warm-air furnace, Unitary AC, or gas-fired hot water heater is replaced with a heat pump or partial (dual fuel) heat pump equipment, it cannot be permitted as a Quick Permit.

You will have to apply using the Building Log application in E-permits.  Some things to consider:

  • You will be asked to provide mechanical and electrical drawings prepared by a professional engineer
  • A zoning review will be required for new exterior equipment
  • A wastewater review will be required for new ground mounted equipment
  • A landmark review may be required if the building is an individually designated landmark or within a historic district
  • A structural review may be required for new roof mounted equipment

See E-Permit FAQs and Video Tutorials

How to Use E-Permits


After logging in with your Username or E-mail and password, click on "Apply for a Permit"

a screenshot of the CPD website showing where to apply for a permit

Be sure to select the Building Log application and follow the instructions from there.

a screenshot showing the building log application you should click on 

Electrification Feasibility Reports Training for Contractors

Module 1 – Introduction and Why Electrify

Module 1 includes an introduction to the Electrification Feasibility Report training series.  It covers why building owners should electrify, partial vs. full electrification, and discusses the City and County of Denver’s goal to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. It also introduces heat pumps as a possible solution. 


Module 2 – Denver Commercial and Multifamily Code Changes

Module 2 discusses Denver commercial and multifamily code changes, including the Energize Denver Ordinance and specifically the existing building electrification requirements that fall under it. Changes to the permitting process for gas space and water heating equipment are covered in detail.   


Module 3 – HVAC Systems for Electrification

Module 3 focuses on electrification of HVAC systems, including the most immediate opportunities for electrification, specifically AC and rooftop units, as well as the next electrification opportunities for more complex systems in the future. 


Module 4 – Plumbing Systems for Electrification

Module 4 focuses on electrification of plumbing systems, including the most immediate opportunities for electrification, specifically electric resistance tank water heaters, gas tank water heaters, and gas tankless water heaters, as well as the next electrification opportunities for more complex systems in the future. 


Module 5 – Electrification Feasibility Report Introduction

Module 5 discusses the Electrification Feasibility Report, which is a screening tool that can be used to assess the feasibility of using an electric heat pump or dual fuel heat pump when replacing gas HVAC or water heating equipment.  The tool compares a like-for-like gas replacement option to a heat pump option based on installed costs, estimated annual energy usage, estimated annual energy cost change, and the social cost of carbon dioxide over the lifetime of the equipment. 


Module 6A – Electrification Feasibility Report Demo for HVAC Projects

Module 6A is specific to HVAC installers and contractors who want to complete an EFR for a building owner.  Prior to watching this video, you should have requested and been granted access to the Electrification Feasibility Report tool online.  This instructional video will walk HVAC contractors through the steps to complete and submit an EFR via the tool.


Module 6B – Electrification Feasibility Report Demo for Domestic Hot Water

Module 6B is specific to Domestic Hot Water installers who want to complete an EFR for a building owner. Prior to watching this video, you should have requested and been granted access to the Electrification Feasibility Report tool online. This instructional video will walk DHW contractors through the steps to complete and submit an EFR via the tool.   


Module 7 – Building Electrification Program

Module 7 finishes the training series by providing an overview of the Building Electrification Program, including the Pilot Program and additional utility incentives and financing programs. The video concludes with a summary of the training series and provides additional resources. We have rolled out additional incentives since the recording of this video. For the most up-to-date information on incentives please see Building Electrification Incentives.


Electrification Feasibility Report Training Quiz

Once you’ve completed the training modules, please complete the quiz.  You must score 80% or higher to pass and be included on the list of contractors eligible to work on projects receiving an incentive.  If you do not pass, we will reach out to you to work through it.


2022 Denver Energy Code Trainings - Commercial Buildings

2022 Denver Energy Code Highlights for Commercial and Multifamily Buildings

Commercial Prescriptive Path Compliance

See the PowerPoint Slides(PDF, 3MB)

See questions asked and answered in the webinar*(PDF, 134KB)

*Please note: during the live webinar, a question was asked about existing buildings, but we felt the answer given live was not satisfactory. We have removed this portion of the webinar recording, and have given a fuller, clearer answer in the document above.


2022 Denver Energy Code Trainings - Residential Buildings

Outside Resources

Colorado Energy Code Training Series - Colorado Energy Office


In order to assist jurisdictions with code adoption, the Colorado Energy Office provides energy code education at no cost to building departments and stakeholders.

Video Length: 57 Minutes

EPA Portfolio Manager and Other EPA Trainings

Learn how to use EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool.

Webinar Library

US Department of Energy Building Code Webinar Series

The Department of Energy's Building Energy Codes Program conducted a series of virtual seminars featuring a collection of timely and emerging topics pertinent to residential and commercial buildings.

Webinar Library

Getting to Net Zero Energy - Urban Land Institute

Urban Land Institute hosted a virtual panel discussion featuring building electrification experts and developers. Learn what these requirements include, how new construction can be designed to comply with these standards, and the lessons that developers and property owners are learning as they decarbonize the built environment.

Video: Getting to Net Zero Energy


Net Zero Energy For Developers Training Series

Created by the Urban Land Institute and edited into short clips for the City and County of Denver to support net zero energy development.

  Net Zero Class 1

Net Zero Class 2  

Net Zero Class 3  

Net Zero Class 4  

Net Zero Class 5