Electrify Your Home

Moving our buildings and homes towards being fully electric is good for your health and the planet. Reducing carbon emissions from our buildings and homes is a crucial solution to climate change.  We can do this by replacing natural gas heating systems with more efficient electric ones.  

The electrical grid in Denver is moving to 100% renewable power. Xcel Energy is committed to meeting its mandate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the grid by 80% by 2030 and be carbon-free by 2050. This effort by Xcel means that the more our buildings can rely on electricity instead of natural gas, the more we can take advantage of the clean energy Xcel will produce.   

Natural gas burned in our homes and buildings accounts for 24% of Denver's greenhouse gas emissions. Methane, the primary component of natural gas, is released when we cook, heat our homes and generate hot water with gas. Methane is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. A report from the UN states that reducing methane emissions now will result in noticeable climate benefits in the next ten years.   

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