Denver is extending cold weather shelter from Thursday, Feb. 13 and will remain open as long as weather conditions are met.
Public schools know the importance of addressing student physical and emotional well-being. One way to do this is to provide engaging outdoor learning environments. Schools can enhance these outdoor learning spaces by adding solar electricity.
These solar outdoor learning spaces have many benefits:
Public schools in Denver can get funding to make this happen. This program will fund up to 100% of the costs associated with installing solar PV, supported by the voter-approved Climate Protection Fund. Without this incentive, we know that most public schools would be unable to install solar.
Interested applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for consideration:
We will evaluate applications according to the criteria described below. Each item carries a different weight in the application, described below.
The city may request an interview as part of the evaluation process. Any interviews will take place after an initial review of submitted applications.
The city reserves the right to negotiate the total contract amount. It may award all, some, or none of the requested award. The city is not liable for any costs or expenses arising out of preparation of this application and if selected, may not include any of these costs or expenses as part of its fee, rates, or charges for performing work under the Contract.
We encourage you to use small, minority, and women-owned businesses on your project team. We hope you consider hiring independent contractors, when needed, who identify as:
We will accept applications on a rolling basis. We will make award determinations by the end of each quarter. We reserve the right to not award any applications during a quarterly award period.
If selected, you will receive an award notice via email. Be prepared to collaborate with the city to establish a formal written agreement. The agreement will not be effective or binding on the city until it has been fully executed by all required signatories of the City and County of Denver. Contracts more than $500,000 require City Council approval and will take longer to process. Contracts will contain reporting and milestone requirements. You must meet these requirements before the city will reimburse project costs.
Please email Meg McHugh at with any questions. You must include all required forms and supporting documentation with your application. Please review the sample agreement below before submitting your application.
To apply for funds, please use our new application form, below. Applicants may request funding for one or many projects in the same application. If your application will include plans for more than five separate solar installation sites, you should instead fill out this Application Form(DOCX, 377KB) Word document. Email the completed document and all required attachments to
Start your application today!