Downtown Design Advisory Board


The Downtown Design Advisory Board was established in 2019. The nine-member board has design review oversight of proposed projects in the Golden Triangle, Central Platte Valley-Auraria and Arapahoe Square areas of downtown Denver and serves as the next step towards a more consistent and comprehensive design review system for all of downtown. 

General Meeting Information

  • Time and date: Meetings are scheduled only on an as-needed basis. When projects are submitted for review, meetings are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on the second and/or fourth Tuesday of the month. Once meetings are scheduled, project materials are posted a week ahead of time. 
  • Location: Room 1.D.1 on the first floor of the Webb Municipal Building at 201 W. Colfax Ave., Denver

 Meeting agenda and call-in information

Language and ADA Assistance

Denver’s Department of Community Planning and Development (CPD) complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or gender to include language. It is your right to request oral or written language assistance services in your primary language, sign language interpretation, real-time captioning via CART, or disability-related accommodations, if needed. Please visit our language services page to fill out our language services request form, and these services will be provided free of charge. If you have any questions, contact CPD’s Operations Team at

Language and ADA Services at CPD 


Board members are Denver residents appointed by the mayor for three-year terms on a volunteer basis. The board consists of:

  • four design professionals, one of whom must be a landscape architect
  • one development industry representative
  • three downtown-area residents 
  • one downtown-area property owner
Name Role Term expiration
Dan Craine, AIA Design professional 5/1/2025
Kim Kliewer Downtown resident 5/1/2026
Sarah Komppa, AIA Design professional 5/1/2025
Ryan Meeks, AIA - Board Chair Design professional 5/1/2026
Matthew Archuleta                       

Development/Construction professional

Matt Shawaker, ASLA Design professional (landscape architect) 5/1/2025
Anthony Spikes, Board Vice-Chair Downtown property owner 5/1/2027
John Deffenbaugh, Int'l Assoc AIA Downtown resident 5/1/2026
Nan Ellin   11/30/2027


Governing Documents

Design Standards and Guidelines

Downtown Design Advisory Board Submittal Checklists