Next date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 | 01:00 PM to 05:00 PM
The Landmark Preservation Commission will host this meeting in person in Room 4.F.6 of the Webb Municipal Building, 201 West Colfax Ave., with virtual options via Zoom.
Please register to receive the Zoom link for the meeting. Written comments may be submitted to until noon the day prior to the meeting and will be forwarded to members of the commission prior to the meeting.
January 21, 2025 - Agenda(PDF, 133KB)
314 W 5th Avenue - Baker Neighborhood - Application(PDF, 14MB) and Staff Report(PDF, 806KB)
135 N Humboldt Street - Country Club - Application(PDF, 19MB) and Staff Report(PDF, 360KB)
Public Hearings
101 W 14th Avenue Parkway, Greek Theatre - Civic Center - Application(PDF, 59MB), Staff Report(PDF, 878KB), and Public Comment(PDF, 38MB)
1060 St. Francis Wary - Alamo Placita - Application(PDF, 7MB) and Staff Report(PDF, 329KB)
528 N Corona Street - Alamo Placita - Application(PDF, 3MB) and Staff Report(PDF, 3MB)
722 N High Street - East 7th Avenue - Application(PDF, 27MB) and Staff Report(PDF, 4MB)
Meetings are held in Room 4.F.6 of the Webb Municipal Building (201 West Colfax Ave.) with virtual options via Zoom.
Fields marked as 'Required' must be completed
Email Address*(Required)
Enter email addresses (separated by commas) to receive a file to add to your calendar. Email addresses are used only once to send files and are not saved.
Occurrence Pattern*(Required)
This event occurs on the Third Tuesday of every 1 month(s) for 11 times.
Please download Zoom ahead of time and ensure you have a reliable internet connection and functioning microphone and camera.