Community Planning and Development Event Calendar

What you will find on the calendar:

  • All public events related to current projects
  • Community information meetings for large development review projects
  • Permitting presentations for contractors and homeowners
  • Denver Planning Board meetings
  • Landmark Preservation Commission meetings
  • Lower Downtown Design Review Commission meetings
  • Downtown Design Advisory Board meetings
  • Cherry Creek North Design Advisory Board meetings
  • City Council Land Use, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee meetings when CPD items are on the agenda
  • City Council Public Hearings for planning projects, policy changes, landmark designations and rezonings.

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Language and ADA Assistance

Denver’s Department of Community Planning and Development (CPD) complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or gender to include language. It is your right to request oral or written language assistance services in your primary language, sign language interpretation, real-time captioning via CART, or disability-related accommodations, if needed. Please visit our language services page to fill out our language services request form, and these services will be provided free of charge. If you have any questions, contact CPD’s Operations Team at

Language and ADA Services at CPD