Text Amendments to the Zoning Code

Text Amendment Projects

Text amendments are updates to the Denver Zoning Code proposed by members of the Denver City Council or by a city department. Amendments are based on recommendations from adopted city plans, industry changes, or process improvementsAll amendments include public feedback and must be adopted by City Council before taking effect.

Current Projects

Recently Adopted Projects

Types of Text Amendments

Text amendments generally fall into three main categories: recommendations from adopted plans, city council initiatives, and code maintenance bundles.

Recommendations from Adopted City Plans

Community Planning and Development (CPD) collaborates with communities through citywide and neighborhood planning. These plans offer community-driven policy guidance for the city. Zoning code amendments help put those policies into effect.

Citywide PlansComprehensive Plan 2040 and Blueprint Denver are long-term plans that establish a vision for Denver to be inclusive, connected and healthy. The projects listed above will implement specific policy recommendations from these plans and ensure that the Denver Zoning Code reflects the city's adopted values.

Neighborhood and Area Plans: Neighborhood and area plans address citywide goals at the local level, to ensure they are applied in a way that makes sense for each neighborhood and that they meet individual neighborhood needs. Zoning code amendments help implement these recommendations for communities.

City Council Initiatives

A City Council member may request a text amendment, sometimes accompanied by a legislative rezoning. Often these text amendments are conservation or design overlays. Council offices usually do preliminary work and outreach before making the official request and are the best sources for background information on the project.

Code Maintenance Bundles

Just like infrastructure needs maintenance to stay in top condition, the Denver Zoning Code also needs regular maintenance to continue to respond to the needs of the city, while remaining modern and flexible.  Periodically, CPD proposes amendments to keep the code modern, clear and user-friendly.  

Get Involved

We encourage all community members to play an active role in text amendment projects and offer their input at every step. Use the links and below to get involved.

Legislative History

All Adopted Denver Zoning Code Amendments

The Legislative History of Denver Zoning Code Text Amendments(PDF, 889KB) outlines zoning code changes adopted by City Council to date. The legislative history includes ordinance number, effective date, applicable Denver Zoning Code provisions, and keywords. Text amendments to the code follow the procedure set out in the Denver Zoning Code, Article 12, Section 12.4.11.

Strike-through Versions

The documents linked below show a marked-up version of the text amendment showing what changed.

 The Denver Zoning Code was originally published on June 25, 2010. The following are amendments to the original version of the code.  

The Denver Zoning Code was restated and republished on April 7, 2014. The following amendments are to the updated 2014 version of the code.

The Denver Zoning Code was restated and republished on July 6, 2015. The following amendments are to the updated 2015 version of the code.

The Denver Zoning Code was restated and republished on May 5, 2017. The following amendments are to the updated 2017 version of the code.

The Denver Zoning Code was restated and republished on May 24, 2018. The following amendments are to the updated 2018 version of the code.

The Denver Zoning Code was restated and republished on July 1, 2021. The following amendments are to the updated 2021 version of the code.

If you use assistive technology and would like to access the content in these documents, please contact planning@denvergov.org.