Demolition & Certificates of Demolition Eligibility

Demolition photo

Landmark Preservation staff review all applications for total demolition permits and for certificates of demolition eligibility (CDEs) citywide, including for structures that are not local landmarks or that are not in historic districts. This requirement helps preserve Denver’s history by providing the community an opportunity to protect buildings that prove to have historic, architectural, geographic or cultural significance.

Owners of non-landmark, non-historic-district properties who are not currently planning demolition but who want increased certainty about a potential future demolition may apply for a certificate of demolition eligibility (CDE), which involves a similar level of review. If a CDE is issued, a property owner or owner's agent may proceed with a demolition application without further review to the structure’s potential for designation for a period of five years. If you are in the due-diligence or entitlement planning process, we encourage you to apply for a CDE.

Properties that do not have potential to be an individual landmark are cleared for demolition or granted the CDE. For properties that do have potential to be an individual landmark, notice of the demolition/CDE application is posted for 21 days. If a notice of intent to file a designation application is submitted, the property and next steps will be listed on this page. If a review reveals that a property may qualify for historic designation, total demolition may not be allowed.  

Currently Posted Properties

When an application for demolition or a certification of demolition eligibility is submitted for a property that staff deems to have potential for landmark designation, notice of the application is posted on the property and on this page for 21 days. 

1651 N. Dahlia Street (Demolition)

Posted: 1/31/25
21 Days: 2/21/25
60 Days: 4/1/25