The size and scope of your addition and its visibility from the street will determine how you proceed through the design review process.
Small additions: Pre-application review meeting is NOT required
If an addition is small enough to meet all of the following criteria, it may be approved administratively by Landmark Preservation staff:
- Not visible from public streets
- Not a rooftop addition
- Adds less than 900 square feet and less than 40 percent square footage to the existing above ground square footage
- Clearly meets the design guidelines
- Does not require demolition review
- Demolition review is required when a project involves demolition of 40 percent or more of the exterior wall area, 40 percent or more of the roof surface, or 40 percent or more of the combined wall and roof area for additions affecting both the wall and roof of the building. Visit the Demolition and Certificate of Demolition Eligibility Review page for more information on demolition review.
Large additions: Pre-application meeting is required
Additions that do not meet the criteria above are subject to review by the Landmark Preservation Commission or Lower Downtown Design Review Commission. These additions include the following:
- Visible from public streets and additions to buildings on corner lots
- Rooftop (pop-top) additions.
- Add more than 900 square feet or more than 40 percent square footage to the existing above ground square footage, whichever is less
- Additions that do not clearly meet the design guidelines
If your addition meets one of the conditions above, you must schedule a pre-application review meeting. To request a pre-application review meeting, email the pre-application review form(PDF, 139KB) and all required information to
If you project includes a rooftop addition, a meeting with the Registered Neighborhood Organization (RNO) may be required.
Projects in historic districts where an RNO has completed design review training must present proposals for rooftop additions to the RNO before a complete application may be submitted for review by the Landmark Preservation Commission. During the pre-application meeting, Landmark staff will let you know if there is a qualifying RNO in place and will refer you to the RNO.
For more information, download the Registered Neighborhood Organization Policy(PDF, 573KB).