Design Review for Window and Door Replacement

Landmark Preservation reviews applications for window and door replacements on all individual landmarks and properties within a historic district to ensure consistency with the appropriate design standards and guidelines.

Before you begin . . .

Original windows are one of the most important aspects of historic buildings. Windows give architectural detail to the building and are a major architectural component to the façade of most buildings. Windows should be considered historically significant if they:

  • Are original to the structure or are part of a historic alteration
  • Reflect the original design intent for the building
  • Are examples of exceptional craftsmanship or design
  • Have architectural or historic significance

The Landmark Preservation Commission and the Lower Downtown Design Review Commission strongly encourage the retention of historic windows.

Additional notes:

  • Replacement windows and doors on individual landmarks and buildings contributing to historic districts must be wood or aluminum-clad wood and must match the operation and configuration of the historic windows 
  • Composite fiberglass windows and doors are not allowed for replacement of windows or doors on individual landmarks or buildings contributing to historic districts, though they may be used to replace windows on a non-historic addition or on a non-contributing structure
  • Vinyl windows are not allowed
  • Windows with internal muntins or glued-on muntins are not allowed. Windows may be simulated-divided light with muntins on the exterior and interior faces of the glass but must include a spacer bar. 

For more information about appropriate materials, review the design guidelines below. For information on window types and parts, download the Components of Historic Windows handout(PDF, 712KB).  

Do you need to schedule a pre-application review meeting?

Non-historic windows or doors: Pre-application review meeting is NOT required

If you are replacing windows or doors that are not historic and not original to the structure, or are on a non-contributing building to a historic district, your project may be approved administratively by Landmark Preservation staff as long as it meets the design guidelines.

NOTE: Documentation showing that windows or doors are not original to the structure must be submitted along with the application for administrative review. 

Historic windows or doors: Pre-application review meeting is required

The replacement of historic windows or doors requires a pre-application review meeting with Landmark Preservation staff. To request a pre-application review meeting, email the pre-application review form(PDF, 139KB) and all required information to

Determine which design guidelines apply

Your location and type of project determines which design standards and guidelines you should follow. If you are unsure about whether your project is in a historic district, check the landmark and historic districts map.

In certain neighborhoods and historic districts, additional customized design guidelines may apply.

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Required documents

Design review applications must adequately describe the project and provide sufficient information to evaluate the proposal. Documentation must clearly illustrate the existing conditions as well as any proposed work.

All applications for window and door replacements must include the following information:


Overall and detail photos of existing conditions of the exterior of each window and door to be replaced are required and must be:

  • In color
  • Labeled with direction and orientation to the street, and with each window labeled to match the labels on the site plan and elevations 
  • No smaller than 4"x6" in size (or between 1024 x 768 pixels and 1280 x 960 pixels)
  • Arranged on one or more sheets within the drawing set (PDF format), with each image clearly labeled
  • Detail photos must show the exterior conditions of windows to document deterioration
  • If screens or storm windows are installed over the existing windows, remove those screens or storm windows prior to photographing them

For examples of acceptable photos and tips for taking good photos, download Landmark Standards for Photographs(PDF, 590KB) and the Photo Page Example(PDF, 999KB).

Site Plan

All projects must submit a dimensioned and scaled site plan including:

  • Street address
  • North arrow
  • Scale (plans must be drawn to a measurable scale)
  • Location of the windows and doors to be replaced
  • Location of streets, sidewalks, alleys (any right-of-way or easement), and all existing structures and their features (porches, decks, egress wells, etc.)
  • Location of fences, retaining walls, exterior stairways and ramps, driveways, mechanical units, etc.
  • Property lines and required zoning setbacks
  • Location of front 65% of the lot and rear 35% of the lot (or 80% / 20%, depending on the zone district)

Site Plan Example

Elevation Drawings

Submit existing and proposed elevation drawings for each façade on which work is proposed that include the following:

  • All windows and doors to be replaced and any proposed size alterations clearly noted
  • Labels on all windows and doors on the elevations noting whether the window or door will be replaced or will be restored
  • Each window and door to be replaced must be labeled to match the labels on the photographs and the site plan
  • Scale of least 1” = 30’
  • Information about the material, operation and configuration of each existing and proposed window and door

An overall photo of one portion of a building showing the location of each window or door to be replaced may be acceptable if it is properly annotated with the above information.

Information on Proposed Replacement Windows and Doors

Provide all of the following:

  • Enlarged elevations and sections for each distinct window type and location, showing the full window in the wall assembly, including head, jamb, sill, muntins, and other details/profile information, and indicating the amount the window is recessed in the wall plane
  • Manufacturer cut sheets for the proposed windows and doors
    • If the cut sheet includes multiple product options, the specific proposed window material, profile, operation, muntins, etc. must be clearly indicated
  • Information about the material and finish of the proposed windows and doors
    • This can include a physical sample or a photograph of the sample
  • Visible transparency ratings of glass (clear glass with a .7 or higher visible transmittance rating with exterior visible light reflectance under 20 percent is preferred)
  • Number of panes (i.e. dual pane), specifications, and information on any proposed color tinting or coating

Documentation of Non-Original Windows (if applicable)

If applicable, provide documentation showing that windows are not original to the structure. This can include photographic documentation, historic permit records, or other evidence that the windows and doors are not historic or original to the structure.

Window Assessment Evaluation Matrix Form

Projects that replace more than three windows or doors that are original to the structure, or considered historic, must submit a window assessment evaluation matrix form completed by professional who would not benefit financially from the proposal. The matrix must include an explanation of why the existing windows cannot be repaired.

Existing / Replacement Window Comparison Form

Projects that replace original or historic windows must submit a window comparison form for each window, including overall and detail measurements (in inches) of existing and proposed windows. 

Note: New windows where openings are not proposed to be altered must fit within the existing rough openings without adding a substantial amount of fill material.

Additional Information

Please coordinate with staff during your pre-application review meeting to determine if additional information is needed due to the unique circumstances of your project.

Ready to apply?

View design review application instructions