You do not need an e-permits account to check the status of permits or inspections. You will need an account to schedule inspections.
(1) Enter e-permits, and then click the Development Services tab. From this tab, you can search by address or by record number (permit number or log number).
Search by Address or Permit Number:
(2) If you search by address, you will see a list of all records associated with that site. Select your permit from the list.
(3) If you search by permit number, it will take you directly to the record detail page, shown to the right. From this page, you can tell if the permit is in progress, issued, or finaled. A permit must be "issued" in order to schedule inspections. To schedule an inspection or to view inspection results, go to Record Info > Inspections.
Search by Log Number
Another way to find permit records -- without knowing the permit number -- is to search the Building Log number and then go to Record Info > Related Records, as shown below. This will display a list of all permits associated with that project. Click "View" to view a specific permit.