Ballot Initiative 306, known as Waste No More, was approved by voters in November 2022. This ordinance requires nearly all construction and demolition projects to separate and recycle, at a minimum, all readily recyclable concrete, asphalt, clean wood, scrap metal, and corrugated cardboard. Clean wood is solid wood, lumber and pallets that are unpainted, unstained, free of glue, and untreated. The wood may be pierced with nails or other metal fasteners, such as screws and staples. The ordinance also requires these projects to submit a recycling and reuse plan to the city to confirm compliance with the ordinance prior to obtaining a construction or demolition permit.
The following projects are not required to submit a recycling and reuse plan:
Starting June 1, 2023, all projects will need to submit the below form and supporting documentation before your demolition or commercial/residential construction permit can be issued. The Recycling and Reuse Plan for demolition permits must be provided with your complete demolition permit application. The Recycling and Reuse Plan for residential or commercial construction permits must be uploaded to e-permits when you add your contractor to your commercial or residential construction permit.
Note: A separate recycling and reuse compliance form(XLSX, 25KB) verifying the actual results of recycling efforts based on this plan will be required prior to completion of the final inspection and/or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. After scheduling your “109 Other Inspection,” please upload your recycling and reuse compliance form online here.
Visit the Waste No More webpage or email us at
Click here to view form.