Temporary Managed Communities

Temporary Managed Community at Regis University
Tiny Home Village Denver
Temporary Managed Tent Community
temporary managed vehicle community

A Temporary Managed Community (TMC) provides temporary shelter or housing to people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless. At a minimum, a TMC provides a safe, managed space for residents or guests to sleep overnight. Sleeping accommodations may be provided inside temporary structures such as “tiny homes,” tents, or a guest’s own parked vehicle. In many cases, a TMC will also include areas for personal care, such as bathrooms, showers, and laundry; community gathering spaces; and workspaces for operational staff, service providers, or case managers. In Temporary Managed Communities that operate 24/7, resident or guest stays of 30 days or longer are typical. A TMC may be permitted in the same location for up to four years.

These communities are allowed in all Denver Zoning Code zone districts, except for areas zoned as open space, and are also allowed in all zone districts in Former Chapter 59. Please refer to Article 11 of the Denver Zoning Code to review the specific limitations that apply to these communities.

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Step 1.Prepare Your Concept for Review

Download the Temporary Managed Community guide(PDF, 163KB) and fill out the application forms on pages 3-4 of the guide.

Prepare a concept site plan that meets the requirements listed on page 2 of the guide.

If you are not the property owner, you will also need written approval from the property owner allowing the proposed community.

Step 2.Request and Attend Pre-Application Meeting

Email zoning.review@denvergov.org to request a pre-application meeting and attend that meeting before you schedule the Community Information Meeting (Step 3 below). Include the concept site plan, property owner permission, and application forms that you prepared in step 1. 

Request a pre-application meeting

Step 3.Community Information Meeting

After you attend a pre-application meeting, schedule, provide the required public notice, and conduct a Community Information Meeting. Document your outreach efforts, a meeting record, and a summary of any next steps according to the instructions in the guide:

Step 4.Apply for Zoning Permits and Other City Approvals/Permits

After the pre-application meeting and Community Information Meeting, you may submit a formal application for zoning, building/fire, sewer use and drainage (SUDP), and potentially electrical and plumbing permits. The need for permits and approvals other than a zoning use permit will be discussed at your pre-application meeting.

To apply for zoning, building/fire, and SUDP permits simultaneously, go to e-permits. If you are new to e-permits, please start by registering for an e-permits account. Once you are registered and have signed in, go to Development Services > Apply for a permit. Select "Building Log" and follow the prompts to submit contact information, project details, and upload zoning and building site plans and other detailed plans and specifications, as needed.

View permit fee schedules to estimate the fees required for your project.

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Need help? View e-permits tutorials and FAQs

Next Steps

When permit applications are received, city staff will review for completeness. If your application or plans are incomplete, you may receive a request for additional information. Review of your submitted plans will not begin until a complete application package is received.

Please check your email for updates as your plans are being reviewed. If your plans meet code requirements and your permit fees have been paid, staff will issue the permits. Please note that other types of approvals, both city and state, may still be required depending on your project.

Temporary Managed Community permits are only valid for up to four years.

Building Permits / Certificates of Occupancy

If a building permit or certificate of occupancy is required, these must be obtained within 180 days of the zoning permit issuance in order for the zoning permit to remain valid. If you do not obtain a building permit in the 180-day time period, you will need to re-apply for a zoning permit.