Denver is extending cold weather shelter from Thursday, Feb. 13 and will remain open as long as weather conditions are met.
Use the below instructions to apply for sign permits on private property.
Please note: If the sign will be located in the Denver Theatre District, please use the Development Services map to find your project coordinator and contact that project coordinator to start the review process.
Know what other reviews and permits may be required based on the sign location or features.
You will need to upload a site plan with your online application. View a site plan example(PDF, 193KB).
Your site plan must show the following (at a minimum):
You will need to upload sign elevations with your online application.
Please provide a fully dimensioned elevation of the sign as it will appear on the building façade, including the following:
Note: Staff may request additional information depending on the nature or complexity of the project.
A building permit is required for most signs, unless the sign is specifically exempt in Denver Building and Fire Code.
For a building permit, please upload structural plans and details with your application including the following:
Structural plans must be prepared, stamped, and signed by a Colorado-registered professional structural engineer.
After gathering all required documents, go to e-permits to apply for your sign permit. If you are new to e-permits, please start by registering for an account. Once you are registered and signed in, go to Development Services > Apply for a permit.
Enter e-permits
Need help? View e-permits tutorials and FAQs
When your application has been received, zoning staff will review for completeness. If your application or plans are incomplete, you may receive a request for additional information. Review of your submitted plans will not begin until a complete application package is received. Please check your email for updates from zoning staff as your plans are being reviewed. If your plans meet the requirements of the zoning code and your permit fee has been paid, staff will issue the zoning permit. Please note that other types of approvals, both city and state, may still be required depending on your project. Building Permits If a building permit is required, these must be obtained within 180 days of the zoning permit issuance in order for the zoning permit to remain valid. If you do not obtain a building permit in the 180-day time period, you will need to re-apply for a zoning permit.
Use this guide for:
Use these links for other sign permits:
For billboard permits, contact before submitting your application.
View permit fee schedules to estimate the fees required for your project.