Registered Neighborhood Organizations

RNOs are groups formed by residents and property owners within a neighborhood who meet regularly and whose organizational and contact information is kept on file with the city’s Community Planning and Development Department. Like all organizations active in the Denver community, RNOs are an important part of the fabric of the city and play a key role in the ongoing effort to make Denver a great place to live and work.

To register with the city, neighborhood organizations must meet a set of eligibility requirements laid out in the Denver Revised Municipal Code, Chapter 12, Article III. RNOs receive notification of proposed zoning amendments, landmark designation applications, planning board and board of adjustment hearings, liquor and cabaret licenses and other activities occurring in the neighborhood as stipulated in the ordinance.    

Find Your RNO

Enter your address or click on the map below to find the organizations in your area. Click "Showtable" on the panel on the left for download and print options.    



RNO mailing list and notifications

The city’s official RNO database is maintained by the Community Planning and Development Department and is accessible through the map on this page. To download and/or print the list, click “Show table” on the column next to the map, then select the appropriate option. City staff across multiple departments use this database to distribute notifications, primarily by email for optimal speed and convenience. To receive notifications, RNOs must submit one primary email address at the time of registration. A second, alternate email address may be submitted but is not required. When city notices are received, it is every RNO’s responsibility to share and distribute the notices with its members. Likewise, it is the RNO’s responsibility to notify CPD staff when a change of email address has occurred. Auto-reply messages pointing to a new address are not sufficient to trigger a change in the database.

Although some city notices are general in nature and sent to all RNOs, the majority are project-specific and, therefore, distributed only to the groups they affect. Specifically, RNOs are notified about projects inside or within 200 feet of their boundaries, as mandated by city ordinance. (See a full list of all ordinance-mandated RNO notifications.) Because RNO notifications are distributed by multiple sources from within city government and to a differing list of recipients in most cases, there is no single “RNO distribution list” and, at this time, no method for individual citizens to be included in the distribution of RNO notifications.

Neighborhood Position Statements

Denver CPD notifies RNOs of pending Zoning text or map amendments affecting areas located inside or within 200 feet of their established boundaries. 

RNOs are encouraged to:


Common Questions

How do I register my neighborhood organization?

New groups wishing to register with the City of Denver may do so in July, December or January, as stipulated by the Denver Revised Municipal Code Chapter 12, Article III.

Once registered, RNOs must renew their registration annually during the renewal period that runs from December 1 to January 31. Organizations that do not renew by January 31 are removed from the city's RNO list.

How do I update my RNO's contact information?

If you are an existing RNO and need to update your primary email address outside of the renewal period (December 1-January 31), email

When do I renew my organization's registration with the city?

The annual renewal period runs from December 1 to January 31. All RNOs must submit the renewal form during this period to maintain their registration.

If you are a current RNO and need to update your contact information outside of the renewal period, email your update to

How are RNO boundaries determined?

Denver has 78 statistical neighborhoods. Statistical neighborhoods were established in 1970 by the city with the help of the Denver Regional Council of Governments. Statistical neighborhoods are largely consistent with U.S. Census tracts, and like census tracts, the boundaries collectively cover the entire city and do not overlap.

Neighborhood organizations that register with the city are permitted to choose their own boundaries. Some RNOs choose boundaries that are consistent with statistical neighborhood boundaries, but many do not. RNO boundaries are allowed to overlap, but the formation of numerous overlapping neighborhood organizations is discouraged by the city’s RNO ordinance. The intent of the ordinance is to encourage adjacent or overlapping groups to work cooperatively to determine positions on issues affecting the neighborhood and to conduct business in an organized, representative and fair manner, seeking informed participation from as many neighborhood residents as possible. Additionally, neighborhoods are encouraged to cultivate membership and participation that reflect the ethnic and socio-economic composition of the neighborhood they represent.

Before starting a new organization, please use the RNO map on this page to identify existing RNOs in your area.

What are RNO coalitions?

Along with organizations that represent individual neighborhoods, coalitions of RNOs may also register with the city as long as they are made up of organizations whose boundaries are contained within the City and County of Denver. Like RNOs that represent individual neighborhoods, RNO coalitions may set their own boundaries. In addition, RNO coalitions are required to notify any individual RNO whose boundaries lie wholly within the coalition’s boundaries before registering with the city.

Are RNOs the same as HOAs?

Homeowner associations (HOAs) are generally paid membership organizations that are mandatory with home ownership in certain housing developments. Registered neighborhood organizations (RNOs), by contrast, are generally larger groups of residents and property owners that represent significant geographic areas within the city and that usually do not (but may) charge membership fees. An HOA that represents a smaller, individual development within a neighborhood may also register with the city as an RNO if it meets the minimum membership (12 members) — as long as it is active, led by local residents and working within the intent of the ordinance to facilitate communication between the city and its members. However, residents of most HOAs are already represented by at least one registered neighborhood organization. Visit our map to find out what RNO represents neighbors in your HOA.

Please note: The State of Colorado requires HOAs to register with the Colorado Division of Real Estate. Registration with the city of Denver, by contrast, is a voluntary, non-regulatory process intended to facilitate communication between the city and its residents. 

Can merchants associations and BIDs be RNOs?

By ordinance, RNOs must be open to all residents and property owners within their boundaries. However, we recognize that merchants associations and business improvement districts (BIDs) function like RNOs while focusing on the commercial interests of their neighborhoods.

Language and ADA Assistance

Denver’s Department of Community Planning and Development (CPD) complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or gender to include language. It is your right to request oral or written language assistance services in your primary language, sign language interpretation, real-time captioning via CART, or disability-related accommodations, if needed. Please visit our language services page to fill out our language services request form, and these services will be provided free of charge. If you have any questions, contact CPD’s Operations Team at

Language and ADA Services at CPD