Comprehensive Plan 2040

Comprehensive Plan Cover Page

Adopted in May 2019, Comprehensive Plan 2040 is the 20-year vision for Denver and its people, and reflects the voice of thousands who have shared their hopes, concerns and dreams for the future. City leaders will use the recommendations of this plan to guide the decisions that shape our city over the next 20 years.


Comprehensive Plan 2040 Annual Report


How did we get here?

Six Elements of Comprehensive Plan 2040

During the three-year public process developing Comprehensive Plan 2040, thousands of Denverites shared their vision and priorities for Denver as Denver evolves over the next 20 years. This plan brings together all of these voices.

Together, we want:

  1. A city that's equitable, affordable and inclusive.
  2. A Denver made up of strong and authentic neighborhoods...
  3. With well-connected, safe and accessible places that are easy to get to, no matter how we want to travel.
  4. A community that is economically diverse and vibrant...
  5. While being environmentally resilient in the face of climate change.
  6. And we want a healthy and active city with access to the types of amenities and experiences that make Denver uniquely Denver.

These are the six elements of the Comprehensive Plan 2040 vision, and they inform the long-term goals that will guide our city's future.

Learn more about these six vision elements

Looking Back: Previous Comprehensive Plans

Most cities have a comprehensive plan that serves as the community’s broad vision for its future. Comprehensive Plan 2000 broadly guided Denver’s decisions about land use, mobility, parks, housing, economic growth, arts, culture and sustainability from 2000 to 2019. Denver has adopted a new comprehensive plan three times since 1977.

Other key citywide plans like Blueprint Denver (2002 land use and transportation plan) and the Game Plan for parks and recreation (2003) were adopted by Denver City Council as supplements to the Comprehensive Plan 2000. When the Comprehensive Plan was updated in 2019, Blueprint Denver, Game Plan, and separate plans for transit and pedestrians and trails were also updated at the same time to create a holistic city vision.

Comprehensive Plan 2040 Adoption

Public and Planning Board Review

The draft plan reviewed and adopted by City Council on April 22, 2019, reflects community comments received during two public review periods and input from Planning Board during a public hearing on March 30, 2019.

Land Use, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Review

The draft plan was reviewed by the Land Use, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on April 2, 2019 and advanced to the full council on a unanimous vote.

Land Use, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee review draft:

City Council Review and Adoption

City Council officially adopted Comprehensive Plan 2040 at its meeting Monday, April 22, 2019.

City Council review draft:



Comprehensive Plan 2040 -- Full Plan(PDF, 44MB)
Lea el plan en Español(PDF, 22MB)
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Other citywide plans 

Comprehensive Plan 2040 was developed in conjunction with several citywide plans: