Learn about zoning framework and design tools
Community members had the chance to learn more about how the vision for the Stadium District area will come to life at an open house held October 29, 2020. The event provided an update on the zoning framework and other design tools that will guide future development to ensure it meets the community's needs. If you missed it, catch up by watching a recorded presentation.
Aprenda sobre la zonificación y las herramientas de diseño
Miembros de la comunidad tuvieron la oportunidad de aprender más sobre cómo la visión para el área del Stadium District será hecho a cabo en una reunión celebrada el 29 de octubre, 2020. El evento proporcionó una actualización sobre la zonificación y otras herramientas de diseño que guiarán el desarrollo futuro para garantizar que va ha satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad. Si no pudo participar, pongase al día viendo una presentación grabada.
Following the City Council adoption of the Stadium District Master Plan in June 2019, city planners with Community Planning and Development are now working with local stakeholders to create new rules and regulations that will ensure that the community's vision, as laid out in the plan, guides all new development.
The process involves large development review (LDR) for the planned redevelopment of the parking lots on the south end of Empower Field at Mile High and will include rezoning, design standards and guidelines, and an infrastructure master plan. Planners are evaluating all land use, development and design issues to ensure the right tools are being used to create community benefits and to meet the plan's goals.
The plan area covers the southern portion of the stadium as well as adjacent properties including the cloverleaf where Federal Boulevard and Colfax Avenue meet, southwest of the stadium. LDR covers the parking lots on the south end of the stadium, which is owned by Metropolitan Football Stadium District. The Stadium Investment Corp., a nonprofit venture between the district and the Stadium Management Company (an affiliate of the Denver Broncos Football Club), is the applicant leading the development of this new, mixed-use neighborhood destination.
Read the Stadium District Master Plan(PDF, 34MB)
Boundary area
The plan area covers the southern portion of the stadium as well as adjacent preperties including the cloverleaf where Federal Boulevard and Colfax Avenue meet, southwest of the stadium. The LDR area covers the parking lots on the south end of the stadium.
The local stakeholders who served on the steering committee for the Stadium District Master Plan have reconvened as an advisory group for the implementation of the plan. Meetings are open to the public. Meeting information will be posted on this page and materials will be posted in the project archive.
- Jeanne Granville, Sun Valley Community Coalition
- Lisa Saenz, Sun Valley Local Resident Committee
- Asnake Deferse, Sun Valley Local Resident Committee
- Glenn Harper, Sun Valley Kitchen
- Justin Potter, Jefferson Park United Neighbors
- Marshall Vanderburg, Sloan's Lake neighborhood
- Renee Martinez Stone, West Denver Renaissance Collaborative
- Marshall Vanderburg, Sloan's Lake neighborhood
- Jeff Shoemaker, The Greenway Foundation
- Devon Buckels, The Greenway Foundation
- Dan Shah, West Colfax Business Improvement District
- Leslie Twarogowski, Federal Boulevard BID
- Rhys Duggan, Revesco Properties (adjacent landowner)
- Melissa Rummel, Nichols Partnership (adjacent landowner)
- Sue Powers, Urban Ventures (adjacent landowner)
- David Keefe, The Original Brooklyn’s (adjacent landowner)
- Commander Joe Davalos, American G.I. Forum Mile High chapter (adjacent landowner)
- Mark Anderson (adjacent landowner)
- Derek Friedman, Sportsfan (adjacent landowner)
- Rudy Gonzales, Servicios De la Raza
- Angela Alfaro, Servicios De la Raza
- Jose Beteta, Raices Brewery
- Matt Sugar, Metropolitan Football Stadium District
- Mac Freeman, The Denver Broncos
- Jim Cobb, Stadium Investment Corp.
- Chris Parr, Denver Housing Authority (DHA)/ Sun Valley Eco District Trust (SVED)
- Meredith Wenskoski, Livable Cities
- John Hersey, RTD
- Steve Sherman, CDOT
- Councilwoman Jamie Torres, District 3
- Benjamin Chavez, Council District 3 aide
- Melissa Mejia, Council District 3 aide
- Councilwoman Amanda Sandoval, District 1
- Naomi Grunditz, Council District 1 aide
- Gina Volpe-Beasley, Council District 1 aide
The information below is about the planning process conducted to create the Stadium District Master Plan, which was adopted by City Council in 2019.
About the Planning Process
A nonprofit venture between the Metropolitan Football Stadium District and the Denver Broncos Football Club is exploring creating a new, mixed‐use neighborhood destination on the south end of the stadium property — now occupied by surface parking lots used only during games and special events. In response, Denver Community Planning and Development led a master planning process to gather community input to help guide this potential development in accordance with the 2013 Decatur-Federal Station Area Plan (PDF).
The Stadium Investment Corp.’s vision is to create a neighborhood hub where people can live, work and play, as well as an enhanced gameday experience for fans. City planners involved the community in a master plan for this area so that the people of Denver, and particularly adjacent neighborhoods, could provide input into its future.
3/21/18 NEWS RELEASE: City to lead master plan for south end of the Broncos' stadium property
6/17/19 NEWS RELEASE: City Council approves community vision for area south of Broncos Stadium
Master Plan Study Area
The study area includes the south end of the stadium property — now occupied by surface parking lots used only during games and special events as well as surrounding areas to create linkages and connections for a complete neighborhood.
Steering Committee
A steering committee of neighborhood stakeholders was convened to help guide the planning process.
- Jeanne Granville, Sun Valley Community Coalition
- Lisa Saenz, Sun Valley Local Resident Committee
- Asnake Deferse, Sun Valley Local Resident Committee
- Glenn Harper, Sun Valley Kitchen
- Justin Potter, Jefferson Park United Neighbors
- Marshall Vanderburg, Sloan's Lake neighborhood
- Renee Martinez Stone, West Denver Renaissance Collaborative
- Jeff Shoemaker, The Greenway Foundation
- Devon Buckels, The Greenway Foundation
- Dan Shah, West Colfax Business Improvement District
- Leslie Twarogowski, Federal Boulevard BID
- Rhys Duggan, Revesco Properties (adjacent landowner)
- Melissa Rummel, Nichols Partnership (adjacent landowner)
- Sue Powers, Urban Ventures (adjacent landowner)
- David Keefe, The Original Brooklyn’s (adjacent landowner)
- Commander Joe Davalos, American G.I. Forum Mile High chapter (adjacent landowner)
- Mark Anderson (adjacent landowner)
- Derek Friedman, Sportsfan (adjacent landowner)
- Rudy Gonzales, Servicios De la Raza
- Angela Alfaro, Servicios De la Raza
- Jose Beteta, Raices Brewery
- Matt Sugar, Metropolitan Football Stadium District
- Mac Freeman, The Denver Broncos
- Jim Cobb, Stadium Investment Corp.
- Chris Parr, Denver Housing Authority (DHA)/ Sun Valley Eco District Trust (SVED)
- Meredith Wenskoski, Livable Cities
- Councilman Paul Lopez
- Councilman Rafael Espinoza
- Jesus Orrantia, council aide
- Gina Volpe, council aide
Meeting Information
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Steering Committee meeting #1
Wednesday, May 9, 2018, 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Steam on the Platte
1401 Zuni St.
Steering Committee meeting #2
Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Steam on the Platte
1401 Zuni St.
Public Workshop #1
Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 5-8 p.m.
Broncos Stadium at Mile High
Meeting presentation (PDF)
Steering Committee meeting #3
Tuesday, July 17, 2018, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
STEAM on the Platte – 1401 Zuni Street, 3rd floor
Meeting Presentation (PDF)
Steering Committee meeting #4
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Meeting Presentation (PDF)
Steering Committee meeting #5
Tuesday, September 18, 2018, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Presentation (PDF)
Public Workshop #2
Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 5-7 p.m.
Broncos Stadium at Mile High
Meeting Presentation (PDF)
Steering Committee meeting #6
Thursday, December 7, 2018, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Meeting boards (PDF)
City Council Public Hearing
Monday, June 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m.