The TOD continuum is a tool that provides a quick snapshot of the current potential for development at stations and monitor outcomes of future action items. The stations are grouped, based on the station evaluation results, into the three continuum categories – strategize, catalyze, energize – each with a specialized tool kit to guide planning, policy, and infrastructure decisions. Each station has more specific action items with the intention to remove barriers to development and strengthen the station area’s market potential.
- Strategize: Stations that are still in pre-development planning phases either because the rail line is not complete or due to market or development factors that make TOD unlikely in the near term. Station areas with low market potential in the near term and current conditions indicate low development readiness. Planning is needed to guide future investment and infrastructure projects in these stations.
- Catalyze: Station areas with above average market conditions for TOD, but with a need for specific infrastructure or amenity improvements to achieve the desired type of development. Catalytic infrastructure and amenity investments are needed, and should yield the sought-after TOD results.
- Energize: Station areas where there are above average market conditions for TOD and no significant development or infrastructure deficiencies impeding TOD from occurring. These station areas typically need more targeted, short term actions to achieve intensified TOD activity.