Extra shelters will be open through at least 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 31.
The Denver City Council appoints members to a wide variety of boards and commissions that give advice and oversight of a variety of aspects of our city. Feel free to explore them to find if there might be a fit for you. Current openings for City Council-appointed members can be found here.
For more complete list of all boards and commissions, including those without City Council-appointed members, check here.
The primary responsibility of the Audit Committee is to commission an annual independent external audit of the city’s finances. The Audit Committee receives the results of audits, assessments, and examinations performed or commissioned by the Auditor’s Office, and the results of the annual external audits.
The Board's sole duty is to hear and decide cases about the Denver Zoning Code. It may review Cease and Desist orders, Zoning Relief Pre-Application Meeting Summaries, and also have the ability to review decisions of the Zoning Administrator in some circumstances.
The Board of Ethics, established by Denver ordinance and the City Charter, is an independent agency governed by specific provisions of the City Charter, the Denver Code of Ethics and its own Rules of Procedure. Its mission is to encourage and guide city officers, officials and employees to adhere to high levels of ethical conduct so that the public will have confidence that
The Board of Ethics Nomination Committee reviews applications and conducts screening interviews of applicants for the Board of Ethics.
Created by Denver voters, Caring for Denver's mission is to address Denver’s mental health and substance misuse needs by growing community-informed solutions, dismantling stigma, and turning the community’s desire to help into action.
The Citizen Oversight Board (COB) was created in 2004 and consists of nine community members who are broadly tasked with:
In order to perform these duties, the Board is granted regular access to public safety leaders as well as access to confidential personnel records and ongoing internal investigations. Each quarter, the COB meets at least once with the Executive Director of Public Safety, the Police Chief, and the Sheriff, and each year the Board issues an annual report on or before March 15.
The Civil Service Commission is responsible for administering the testing process for entry-level and promotional positions within the Denver Fire and Police departments, policy administration, and hearing disciplinary appeals of classified members.
The Committee administers the city’s Deferred Compensation Plan, approves any changes to the plan, and makes recommendations to the city on third party administrator contract renewals or contract changes.
The Denver County Cultural Council (DCCC) is the grant review council for Denver's Tier III Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) funds. Each year, the DCCC reviews grant applications and determines the allocations to each qualifying Tier III organization. Thirteen and one-half percent of Denver County's total SCFD tax funds are distributed annually to local arts, cultural and scientific nonprofit organizations in Denver.
The Policy Council provides a system of shared governance through which parents have an active voice in policy making and program decisions. The Policy Council is responsible for the following areas, which impact the children and families of the Denver Great Kids Head Start program:
Provides grant funding to nonprofit organizations that provide direct legal representation to low-income, unauthorized individuals who are current residents of Denver and are subject to potential deportation.
This body is comprised of individuals whose professional and lived experience provide valuable insight into the work of the Department of Sousing Stability or HOST. The agency will work with the Strategic Advisors and the community to collaborate and lead progress through investment decisions, interdepartmental coordination, and other strategies.
The Advisory Board's primary responsibility is to advise the Executive Director on special or emerging issues or opportunities that may affect our communities. Denver Human Rights & Community Partnerships works to protect our community members' basic human rights through advocacy, strong community partnerships and direct services. Inclusiveness and equity are the cornerstone of our work where we strive to provide a platform to the less represented.
The permanent panel of arbitrators provides a list of qualified individuals who may be selected to resolve impasses during the collective bargaining process between the city and the Sheriff’s Union or Police Union.
The Transportation and Infrastructure Advisory Board was approved by the voters of Denver in 2020. The board is charged with advising the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure on transportation policy and operations of the department along with reviewing and commenting on the proposed annual department budget.