Donate Through Denver Human Services

#BeAGiver - support our community

Your contributions play an important role in building a healthy Denver community where bright futures are possible. #BeAGiver by helping Denver Human Services (DHS) invest in and support every person where they are. Each donation, no matter the size makes a difference. Together we've got this!

People who are out of the frame reach their arms and hands into the frame, touching and holding a pink heart

How do I donate items to the DHS GIVE Center?

The DHS GIVE Center is a FREE resource center funded completely by donations. We need your support to keep our shelves full of necessities for your neighbors in need.

Get Started

  1. Visit and bookmark our Donation Drop-Off Bookings Page to view the current list of needed items at the DHS GIVE Center. This list is updated monthly because the essential items that people and families need vary throughout the year.
    Schedule Dropoff

  2. While on the Donation Drop-Off Bookings Page, schedule a convenient donation drop-off time. Once you schedule, you will be sent an email confirmation with location and contact details for your drop-off.

    If you do not see a confirmation email after scheduling, please contact us at

  3. Drop-off your donation at your scheduled time.

How do I make a monetary donation?

Making a monetary donation is quick and simple, and 100% of your donation goes toward buying essential items for people and families in need served at DHS.

Make a Donation (Check)

To make a donation by check:

  1. Write the check out to "DHS Manager of Finance."
  2. In the memo line, you can write in a specific campaign (for example, "Holiday Gift Drive") or effort ("DHS GIVE").
  3. Mail it to:
    Denver Human Services
    ATTN Give Donations (Aileen)
    1200 Federal Blvd.
    Denver, CO 80204

Make a Donation (Online)

Get started by clicking the link below.


How can I donate in other ways to DHS families and children?

DHS now collaborates with CarePortal, an online platform that partners with Child Welfare County offices across the United States to support families and children in crisis within Foster Care, Kinship Care, Child Protection and Prevention programs.

CarePortal’s implementing partner in Colorado is Beautiful Redemption.

How does CarePortal work?

  1. Caseworkers at DHS submit a needs request onto CarePortal for the children in crisis on their caseload (requested needs commonly include clothing, groceries, baby care items, gas cards and household items)
  2. Local CarePortal responders receive the request notification and commit to needs they can meet.
  3. Committed responders are connected to the DHS caseworker who submitted the request to coordinate the requested items for the child or family.

Who can become a CarePortal responder?

Any interested community member, business or faith-based organization can become a responder!

Signing up to join CarePortal is free, and no responder is obligated to meet needs requests until you actively click and choose to commit.

How do I donate to DHS' seasonal #BeAGiver Drives?

Our #BeAGiver seasonal donation drives occur annually to support DHS customers during the most challenging times of year.

Get Started: See our drive dates below and mark your calendar!

  • #BeAGiver Spring Showers Hygiene Drive (April 15 - May 17)
  • #BeAGiver School Supply Drive (June 24 - August 3)
  • #BeAGiver Holiday Gift Drive (November 1 - December 9)

Follow us on social media for community announcements and important details on how you can contribute:


Additional Questions?

Email us at for more information on how to donate, and what items are needed.

We appreciate you. Together, we’ve got this!