Denver's cold weather shelters will remain open as long as weather conditions are met.
Next date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 | 09:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Get to know Denver Human Services (DHS) by participating in our Navigator Training for Community Partners. DHS welcomes community partners and providers that help people apply for assistance services to attend these training sessions.
We have added new trainings to our schedule! We now have registration links through June 2025.
Trainings are presented in three modules, with each module covering different topics. Each module is offered once a month at a separate training.
Wednesday, February 12
9-10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, February 18
Tuesday, March 11
Thursday, March 13
Tuesday, March 25
Tuesday, April 8
Thursday, April 10
Wednesday, April 23
Wednesday, May 7
Thursday, May 15
Tuesday, May 20
Wednesday, June 4
Thursday, June 12
Tuesday, June 17
Each training has its own module, or set of topics. We have a list of topics covered in each training in the boxes below:
During Module 1 trainings, we'll cover:
Please review the schedule on this event page to make sure you are signing up for the correct training session covering this module.
During Module 2 trainings, we'll cover:
During Module 3 trainings, we'll cover:
Special Projects
Find meeting agendas and resources in the boxes below:
Download the Agenda and Resources for Modules 1 and 2(PDF, 172KB)
Download the Agenda and Resources for Module 3(PDF, 148KB)
Are you a group or organization needing a more customized DHS training? We're here to support you with specialized trainings! Learn more about this opportunity by clicking on the button below.
Denver Human Services (DHS) offers specialized trainings for groups and organizations in the Denver Metro area, if:
A minimum of five (5) individuals are required for these specialized trainings. We can train up to 30 people at in person trainings, and up to 40 people during virtual trainings.
Learn more by filling out our online request form below. If the form is not visible after a few moments, try refreshing the page. You can also fill out our request form by visiting our OpenForms page.
Click here to view form.
If you have specific questions about Navigator Training for Community Partners, please email
Apply for food, cash, and medical assistance online through Colorado PEAK.
Find more community resource from Mile High United Way's 211 Help Center.
Check out food resources available in our community.
We're strengthening families through community partnerships and grants. Discover ways to partner with us today.
MyFriendBen helps you understand the government benefits, programs and tax credits you’re eligible for. Benefits include programs uniquely available to Denver residents. On average, in 6 minutes, you will know the cash value of those programs and the time it takes to apply so you can quickly make a decision that’s right for you.
Visit our MyFriendBen information page to learn more, or click on the MyFriendBen button below to get started.
Find out what benefits you're eligible for
Sign Up For Our DHS Community Connections Email List
It is your right to access oral or written language assistance, sign language interpretation, real-time captioning via CART, or disability-related accommodations. To request any of these services at no cost to you, please email with three business days’ notice.