If you have an emergency and need immediate support from the DHS Give Center: you can visit us for walk-up services at the Denver Human Services Welcome Center (2929 W. 10th Ave., Denver, CO 80204). It's across the street from our old location at the Richard T. Castro Denver Human Services building.
Emergency walk-up hours
Monday - Thursday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fridays: Virtual services with curbside pickup only. Se habla español.
Important: the GIVE Center closes early (at 2:30 p.m.) on the third Wednesday of every month.
Walk-up services at the DHS Give Center are for emergency needs only.
Non-Emergency Requests and Services
All other non-urgent services (vouchers for vital documents, ID waivers, etc.) should be done through our virtual customer service process. You must be a caseworker, community partner, or someone who identifies as homebound.
To get started with this virtual customer service process, email DHSResourceHUB@denvergov.org.