Financial Reports

The Department of Finance produces financial reports that vary from the Mayor's Budget to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Disclosure Statements to Investment Portfolio Performance. Together they provide in-depth information about the financial condition of the city, how the city operates, and where the city spends resources to provide services.

Additional Reports 

ARPA Annual Reports

Denver received $308 million in Local Relief Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Denver also has regularly  updated the City and County of Denver ARPA Performance Dashboard, now transformed in to a single location for all ARPA performance tracking data, including fund expenditures and the Neighborhood Recovery Index.

Annual ARPA Reports:






Capital Improvements Plan

Capital funding is necessary for the ongoing maintenance and repair of the city's capital assets. A capital improvement project is any improvement to, construction or acquisition of buildings, viaducts, roads, streets, streetscape projects, pedestrian malls, plazas, designated parks, or other real property of a permanent nature. The city's Capital Improvement Program manages the city's annual budget process for citywide capital maintenance and development needs, develops the annual Six-Year Capital Improvement Plan (PDF) and provides analysis for decision making and strategic capital planning efforts.

Financial Sustainability & Benchmarking Report

The “City and County of Denver Financial Sustainability and Benchmarking Project” is an independent, third-party analysis and evaluation conducted by a group of University of Denver Daniels College of Business graduate students. This report compares the city’s financial condition and fiscal health to that of certain cities determined by the authors to be the city’s economic peers. This report was presented to representatives of the city’s Department of Finance on June 2, 2014.

Download the full report (PDF) by Daniels College of Business students Nicole Archambeau, Stephen Bandrowsky, Conor Hess, Dylan Proietti, and Danni Yan. 

The findings and recommendations in this report will serve as a platform for the city’s Department of Finance for further development of ongoing benchmarking and transparency efforts.

The findings and recommendations in this June 2, 2014 report reflect only the views of the University of Denver students listed and the data in this report was developed and set forth in the report by those students. City representatives have not verified or updated any of the data in the report. This report speaks only as of its date and the city does not take any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or importance of the information contained in this report.

Investment Portfolio Reports

The city invests its funds to provide the highest investment return consistent with preservation of principal and provision of the liquidity necessary for daily cash flow demands.

  • Additional information on the City's investment activities may be found on this page.
  • Reports that describe the City's investment portfolio and its performance may be found of this page

Property Tax Distribution Information

The City and County of Denver distributes Property Tax collections monthly per the guidelines laid out in C.R.S. 39-10-107. These distributions are made to levying entities, along with Denver Urban Renewal Authority (DURA) as well as funds within the City and County of Denver. Distributions are made on the tenth of each month and comprise net collection activity for the prior month. Denver Public Schools (DPS) receives an extra distribution on the 24th of March, May, and June, comprising collections from the first to the twentieth of the prior month. The distribution to DPS on April 10, June 10, and July 10 comprises collections from the 21st through the end of the prior month. 

Monthly Distribution of Property Tax Collections for 2024:

Monthly Distribution of Property Tax Collections for 2023:

Monthly Distribution of Property Tax Collections for 2022:

Monthly Distribution of Property Tax Collections for 2021:

* If you are having any difficulties reading these documents please contact:

Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Areas

The Active Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Areas(PDF, 160KB) table provides a list of active TIF areas throughout Denver.  An important component of the Department of Finance’s mission is to encourage the redevelopment of underutilized property in Denver.  To support this objective, the city partners with the Denver Urban Renewal Authority (DURA) to provide financial assistance for redevelopment projects that enhance neighborhood vitality and help drive economic growth across the city.  One of the tools used to facilitate redevelopment projects is TIF.  TIF is a financing tool that allows incremental property and/or sales taxes to supplement the required financing of the redevelopment project. 

Additional information on the DURA and the mechanics of TIF can be found on DURA’s website.