The “City and County of Denver Financial Sustainability and Benchmarking Project” is an independent, third-party analysis and evaluation conducted by a group of University of Denver Daniels College of Business graduate students. This report compares the city’s financial condition and fiscal health to that of certain cities determined by the authors to be the city’s economic peers. This report was presented to representatives of the city’s Department of Finance on June 2, 2014.
Download the full report (PDF) by Daniels College of Business students Nicole Archambeau, Stephen Bandrowsky, Conor Hess, Dylan Proietti, and Danni Yan.
The findings and recommendations in this report will serve as a platform for the city’s Department of Finance for further development of ongoing benchmarking and transparency efforts.
The findings and recommendations in this June 2, 2014 report reflect only the views of the University of Denver students listed and the data in this report was developed and set forth in the report by those students. City representatives have not verified or updated any of the data in the report. This report speaks only as of its date and the city does not take any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or importance of the information contained in this report.