Budget Appendices

2021 Budget 

The HOST 2021 budget numbers are established based on actual appropriations for some sources like the City’s General Fund, projected amounts based upon historical levels for sources like federal grants, and current rates of spending for sources that can carry forward from one year to the next.

HOST has recently developed a one-year draft Action Plan to guide the department’s investments, policies and strategies in 2021. The plan will act as a bridge to its longer, five-year plan, which will be available for public review in late 2021. The budget laid out in the Action Plan is different from the HOST budget in the City Budget Book.

  • Some projects like affordable housing developments take time—funds may be designated for a project but not fully spent in the same year 
  • Special Revenue funds in the city budget book indicate the amount expected to be expended in a given year; the HOST budget includes the unencumbered balance available to spend.

Budget Changes for 2021

HOST was created in October of 2019, bringing together housing work previously under Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) with homelessness resolution programs previously run by Denver Human Services (DHS). Because of this merging, several elements of the HOST 2021 budget will look different than in previous years. 

Revenue Streams and Amounts, 2021 (Projected)

Funding Source Amount Percentage
HOST General Fund Budget $27,094,462 26.20
Affordable Housing Fund $32,391,293 31.33
AHF Carry Forward $4,800,000 4.64
Property Tax $8,606,481 8.32
General Fund and DHS Transfer $3,700,000 3.58
Recreational Marijuana Use Tax $9,603,700 9.29
Linkage Fee Collection YTD and Carry Forward $5,681,112 5.49
Federal Funds $28,451,950 27.52
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) $2,039,064 1.97
CDBG Cares Act $1,203,712 1.16
HOME Investment Partnerships Program $4,590,873 4.44
Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS $4,034,774 3.90
Neighborhood Stabilization Program II $57,363 0.06
Skyline Housing $2,732,458 2.64
Rental Rehabilitation $95,861 0.09
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) $597,226 0.58
ESG Cares Act 1 $2,059,400 1.99
ESG Cares Act 2 $9,042,223 8.75
Continuum of Care $1,998,996 1.93
Other Funds $15,458,516 14.95
Metro Mortgage Assistance $3,000,000 2.90
Revolving Affordable Housing Loan Fund $3,400,000 3.29
Inclusionary Housing Ordinance $3,600,283 3.48
Community Development-Donation $321,473 0.31
Homeless Services Donations Fund $856,580 0.83
Affordable Housing Fund $669,324 0.65
Homeless Services Fund $1,260,856 1.22
Homeless Shelter Utility Support $350,000 0.34
Housing Stability Private Grants Fund $2,000,000 1.93
Total $103,396,221 100.00

HOST Investments by Focus Area, 2021 (Projected)

pie chart of investments: 45 percent homelessness, 47 percent housing opportunity, 5 percent stability, 3 percent operations

Distribution within four priority areas for 2021 will look different:

  • Previous Action Plans only accounted for the portion of HOST that was under DEDO
  • Homelessness resolution work previously in DHS has moved under HOST, so a larger share of funds is allocated to that priority
  • The pool of funds to support homelessness resolution has grown
  • The 2021 Action Plan and HOST budget reflect the merged work and priorities


color coded legend for focus area pie chart

HOST Investments by Spending Priority

graph of 2021 budget, with 60 percent covering homelessness


Distribution between programs and development will also look different in 2021:

  • Work that was under DHS, and therefore not included in earlier Action Plans, is now within HOST’s Programs category 
  • Because of this, the amount of funds allocated to Programs has grown, but the pool of funds has also grown

Spending by Category

pie chart: 54 percent program spending, 28 percent development, 10 percent administration, 8 percent reserves

*Reserves include funds that are set aside for a specific purpose, including refunds under the housing linkage fee and rebates for units constructed under the historic IHO.