Draft Consolidated Plan Open for Public Comment

Published on October 14, 2024

Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) and the Department of Housing Stability (HOST) at the City & County of Denver are seeking public comment regarding their revised draft 2024-2028 Consolidated Plan for local housing, economic development, public service, and neighborhood facilities programs that utilize federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 

The revised 2024-2028 Five-Year Plan will be posted online at DEDO’s Reports & Studies at 4 p.m. on Monday, October 14 and will be available for a 30-day public comment period through 4 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13.

The revised 2024-2028 Five-Year Plan summarizes the program year activities for the following federal programs: Community Development Block Grant Program, HOME Investment Partnership Program, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program, and Emergency Solutions Grants.

Comments may be submitted electronically to DEDOCompliance@denvergov.org during the public comment period. Alternate language or accessibility accommodations will be made upon request, including paper copies of the draft report. Contact DEDO@denvergov.org.

Upon completion of this public comment period, the draft with comments will be submitted to HUD for review and approval. 

Final copies of the 2024-2028 Five-Year Plan will be available on the above website upon HUD approval.