Contractor Payment Requests

Community Partners that have a current, executed contract or purchase order with The City and County of Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) and would like to submit an invoice for payment or reimbursement may use the link below to access the online HOST Expense Certification form:

HOST Expense Certification          

Please note:

  1. Either a Supplier Contract (SC) Number or a Purchase Order (PO) Number is required for this form.
  2. If there is another required field that does not apply to your request, please enter N/A
  3. There is a total file size limit for attachments of roughly 20MB.  If you are unable to submit all of your required attachments due to the total file size limit, please use the link below after you have successfully submitted your online HOST Expense Certification form.

Additional Documentation   

You will need the invoice number you used for your submittal along with either the Purchase Order Number or the Supplier Contract (SC) Number in order to ensure that your attachments go to the correct record in our system.