Crime Prevention and Control Commission

The Crime Prevention and Control Commission (CPCC) was formed by ordinance 20181267 in 2005 in partial response to the overcrowded and unsafe conditions at the jails at the time. Said then-Mayor Hickenlooper, “This Commission represents the City’s commitment to strategically pursue evidence-based diversionary alternatives to sentencing programs that not only reduce recidivism but also increase public safety.” (Press Release 09/27/05)

The commission has, for nearly 18 years, worked to that end – developing and implementing a variety of programs to decrease the use of the jail and reduce recidivism. In 2018, City Council expanded the role of the Commission to include a behavioral health element – specifically identifying the “extent to which addressing behavioral health needs may affect those who become involved in the justice system before, during and after systems’ involvement” (§ 2-255.54 (c)). Additionally, the Commission is charged with fostering “innovation and alternatives in the criminal justice system and to provide initial funding opportunities for projects that advance these ideals” (§ 2-255.54 (l)).

According to the ordinance, “the legislative intent of this division is to implement an evidence-based, accountable, and efficient public safety strategy to reduce crime, including juvenile delinquency, and to increase neighborhood safety. To that end, the council establishes a crime prevention and control commission which shall have the following purposes:

  1. To reduce crime, partly by reducing criminal recidivism;
  2. To facilitate coordination among justice system agencies;
  3. To support the development of a data-driven criminal justice system that offers a range of evidence-based sanctions and programs;
  4. To facilitate the development of information technology and data necessary for effective criminal justice policy development, jail population management, and evaluation of sanctions and programs to hold offenders accountable;
  5. To facilitate efficient use of jail space by encouraging alternatives, where appropriate; and
  6. To recommend expenditures from the crime prevention and control fund” (§ 2-255.48).

Commission Details

Meeting Information

View the February Meeting Agenda(PDF, 159KB)

The CPCC Meeting occurs the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 3 pm to 5 pm. Meetings are currently held in a Teams meeting format. When allowed, they will resume in person at the DPD Crime Lab Event Center located at 1371 Cherokee Street (located directly across the courtyard from the Police Administration Building. If you do not have access to the building, please push the button on the wall to the right of the entrance and security will let you in.)

To request materials from previous CPPC meetings, including minutes, agendas, and presentations, please submit a CORA Request to DOSPIO@Denvergov.Org.

Watch Meeting Recordings

Catch Up on the Latest Meeting

Commission Members

Office / Constituency

City Connection

Name/ Delegate

Ordinance Appointment

Office of the Mayor Mayor Mike Johnston/ Evan Dryer Appointment by Position
Department of Human Services Head of Human Services Anne-Marie Braga/ Mimi Scheuerman Appointment by Position
Department of Public Safety Executive Director of Safety Armando Saldate / Jeff Holliday Appointment by Position
Denver Police Department Chief of Police Ron Thomas Appointment by Position
Denver Sheriff Department Sheriff Elias Diggins Appointment by Position
Denver County Court Presiding Judge Judge Carrie Lombardi Appointment by Position
City Attorney’s Office Head Attorney Kerry Tipper/ Marley Bordovsky Appointment by Position
Office of the Municipal Public Defender Chief Municipal Public Defender Colette Tvedt / LeAnn Fickes Appointment by Position
Community Corrections, Department of Public Safety Director of Community Corrections Greg Mauro Appointment by Position
Denver Department of Public Health & Environment Manager Karin McGowan Appointment by Position
Colorado Department of Corrections Director of the Division of Parole David Wolfsgruber Appointment by Position
Denver County Court Adult Probation Department Chief Probation Officer Cary Heck, PhD Appointment by Position
Denver County Court Probation Department Chief Probation Officer Yessenia Guzman Appointment by Position
Office of the Colorado State Public Defender Head of Denver Office Blake Renner Appointment by Position
Office of the Denver District Attorney District Attorney Beth McCann Appointment by Position
City Council City Council Representative, District 6 Paul Kashmann Appointment by Position
City Council City Council Representative, District At-large Sarah Parady Appointment by Position
City Council City Council Representative, District At-large Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez Appointment by Position
Colorado Criminal Defense Bar Private Practice Attorney   Sean McDermott Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Provider of Services with Evidence-Based Criminal Justice Policy and Practices   VACANT Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Denver Public Schools Leadership Team Representative   VACANT Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Juvenile Justice System Representative   Jonathan McMillan Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Juvenile Justice System Representative   Judge Laurie Clark/ Magistrate Lisa Gomez Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Academic Knowledgeable about Evidence-Based Criminal Justice Policy and Practices   Laura Rovner, PhD Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Behavioral Health Services Representative   Jennifer Gafford, PhD Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Homeless Service Providers Representative   Lisa Thompson Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Criminal Justice and/ or Crime Prevention Community Org and/ or Victim Representative   Thomas Hernandez Citizen Appointment by Mayor 
Criminal Justice and/ or Crime Prevention Community Org and/ or Victim Representative    Kara Napolitano  Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Criminal Justice and/ or Crime Prevention Community Org and/ or Victim Represenative   VACANT Citizen Appointment by Mayor 
Denver Community At-large   VACANT Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Denver Community At-large   Orlando Salazar Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Denver Community At-large    Anthony Pfaff Citizen Appointment by Mayor
Previously Justice-involved Representative     Tajuddin "Taj" Ashaheed Citizen Appointment by Mayor