
Interested in joining our team of motivated, responsible, and dedicated employees? Denver 911 is looking for flexible, team-oriented, service-minded people to support the community as 9-1-1 Operators. 

If you’re interested in a career with Denver 9-1-1, please complete the interest form below and a representative from Safety Human Resources will reach out with details on the training academy.

Job Description

The Denver 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Center serves the citizens of Denver twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. As a result, applicants must be willing to work weekends, holidays, shifts which include swing or graveyards, and overtime on short notice.

9-1-1 Call Takers

As a 9-1-1 call taker, you’ll be required to perform telephone work receiving emergency calls to the police and fire departments, ambulance services, and similar emergency services. You’ll also be required to perform data retrieval work using a computer.

9-1-1 Dispatchers

As a police dispatcher you will operate and monitor communications equipment and work closely with dispatchers from the Denver Fire Department, and Denver Health Paramedics. Dispatchers enter information into a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system and relay the call information through direct radio communication to first-responders. A dispatcher performs computer clearances and information searches for police officers and detectives utilizing computer systems including National Crime Information System (NCIC), the Colorado Crime Information System (CCIC), and City and County of Denver court files.



  • All applicants must have a high school diploma or GED certificate.


  • Previous experience as a 9-1-1 Agent or Dispatcher can make a candidate more competitive; however it is not a pre-requisite for employment.
  • Must have two years of public contact experience dealing with individual problems and applying policies, procedures and/or legal guidelines.
  • Must have one year of computer user experience in a Microsoft windows or comparable computer operating system.


  • Success in the field of emergency communications is reliant on several key competencies and skills such as:  flexibility, multi-tasking abilities, exceptional listening skills, attention to detail and the ability to problem solve.

Background Check

  • All finalists will be subject to a comprehensive background investigation by the Denver Police Department encompassing employment and criminal history.

How to Apply

For further information about jobs and opportunities with our team, visit our jobs website to search for jobs and apply online. 


The Denver 9-1-1 training program is Project 33 Certified by APCO International

  • Denver 911 offers a complete and comprehensive training curriculum, which covers policy and procedure, critical incident management, and all technical aspects involving 911 Operators and Police Dispatchers.  Classes for both positions are 7-10 weeks in duration.  Our 911 Operators and Dispatchers will work with a Trainer for 12 weeks after the classroom portion of training.
  • Continuing education is an integral part of being a 911 operator and is required by Career Service Authority rules. Several opportunities exist to attend career enhancement courses in the areas of: Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training; Homeland Security Training; and numerous other emergency-related classes.

Peer Support Group

With the support of the Denver Police Peer Support Group and the contract psychological services for the department, each member of the Denver 911 CPSG receives over 40 hours of classroom training and ongoing training in the areas of Burn Out, Grief Counseling, Personal and Professional Stress Management and Peer Support leadership classes.

Every member of our Denver 911 team has the benefit of the Civilian Peer Support Group.  This group offers Stress Management Training, Critical Incident Stress Management, as well as all aspects of professional and personal, one-on-one counseling.  All aspects of the Civilian Peer Support Group are completely confidential.

Currently our group consists of 10 Peer Support Advisors, to include the Coordinator and the Assistant Coordinator. We became an inter agency group with the addition of an advisor from the Denver Health Paramedic Division and continue to serve our coworkers throughout the center in a completely confidential and professional manner with the support of our management team.