Transportation Engineering and Permitting

NEW FEES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2024: See the 2024 Consolidated Fee Schedule for more information.

Transportation engineering review and approval is required whenever there is construction in the city's public right-of-way (ROW), such as changing the location of the curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways or curb ramps; or construction of lighting, traffic signs, or medians.

Use the DevelopDENVER tool on this page to find your assigned engineer based on the address of your property.

Public Works may also require projects to improve, construct, or reconstruct public sidewalks and/or street infrastructure within the ROW adjacent to their property. Contact Public Works’ construction inspection at 303-446-3469 to schedule a field meeting with a ROW inspector to review your project plans in advance of permitting to determine if a ROW permit will also be needed.

TEP documents are to be submitted electronically using e-permits.

Transportation Engineering Plan

Development Services may require an approved Transportation Engineering Plan (TEP) for any project which one or more of the following criteria apply, or at the discretion of the Development Services Engineer:

  • Change of use
  • Site access modification
  • Change in location of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, or curb ramps
  • Construction of 100 continuous lineal feet or more of curb and gutter, sidewalk, or alley
  • Construction on a state highway or an arterial street as defined by Development Services
  • Construction of new street or pedestrian lighting in the right-of-way (ROW) 
  • Construction of medians or acceleration/deceleration lanes, or change in street lane widths
  • Construction of new intersection control (stop signs, signals, roundabouts, etc)
  • Project impacts either pavement markings or traffic signs within the ROW, excluding perpendicular utility service connections
  • Project traffic study indicates necessity for significant improvements in ROW other than noted above

What to Submit

Step 2.Right-of-Way Permits

Right-of-Way (ROW) permits are required for all construction that occurs within the public right-of-way and are issued by Department of Transportation and Infrastructure. 

For more information on ROW permits see DOTI Right-of-Way Services.

Step 3.Street and Alley Vacations, Encroachment Permits

Street and alley vacations are issued by DOTI Right of Way Services.  For more information on vacations, please see the Street and Alley Vacation Process Requirements(PDF, 964KB).

For more information on the Encroachment Permit process, please see Encroachments - DOTIPT-105.

Additional Resources

Standards and Details

Guiding Document: Colfax Avenue Concept Plan

Guiding Document: Colfax Avenue Concept Plan

The Colfax Avenue Concept Plan is intended to be the vision for Colfax Avenue.  It gives guidance to City Staff in the development review process and to property owners along the Colfax corridor and serves as a foundation for future policies.

Colfax Avenue Concept Plan(PDF, 7MB)

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

View a list of DOTI rules and regulations.

Standard Fees

Standard Fees

For information on Department of Transportation and Infrastructure standard fees, see DOTI/SUDP fee schedule under Building and Land Development Fees.

Related Agencies

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