Current Transportation & Infrastructure Projects Find information about major studies, planning efforts, and construction projects currently underway in DOTI.
DOTI's Office of Community & Business Engagement The Office of Community and Business Engagement (OCBE), within Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI), offers education & partnership with residents, organizations, and businesses around transportation safety, active living, and community resiliency.
Denver Moves: Safe and Slow Streets with Bikeways Bicycles provide a convenient, affordable travel option that helps ease congestion. These elements are part of the community’s vision for a healthier and more vibrant city. To help realize this vision, DOTI is building out Denver’s bike network and creating comfortable spaces for people to ride.
Denver Moves: Broadway Since 2015, DOTI has been studying Broadway to make the corridor safer for bicyclists, drivers, pedestrians and transit riders. In 2019, after extensive community input and technical planning, the City is designing a more multi-modal Broadway.
Complete Streets Design Guidelines Guiding principles for the city's public right of way, detailing how we allocate space to transportation, utilities and other public infrastructure.
Denver Moves: Downtown Re-envisioning the city’s downtown transportation system to create a roadmap for implementing tangible near-term improvements for people who live, work, study, visit and play in downtown Denver and identifying a long-term vision for the future of mobility in the city’s center.
Denver Moves Everyone (DME) 2050 Denver Moves Everyone (DME) 2050 - is a citywide plan identifying transportation solutions that will make it easier to get where we want to go. The plan will prioritize equitable and safe solutions for Denverites, and seek to improve the movement of goods and services ensuring you have access to everything you need.
Flood Information Several Denver neighborhoods experience flooding during rainstorms or after very wet winters when the ground is saturated. More extreme flooding is also possible in lower-lying areas of town, and some residents are at increased risk of flooding because of their proximity to a major waterway.
Division of Green Infrastructure Green infrastructure is a fundamental part of the City’s long-term stormwater management strategy. Benefits of green infrastructure at large scale and site scale include improved water quality, better air quality, reduced flooding risks, urban heat island effect mitigation, reduced energy demands, climate change resiliency and enhanced community livability.