Denver Moves: Broadway is part of the voter-approved Elevate Denver Bond Program and aligns with Mayor Michael B. Hancock’s Mobility Action Plan to provide Denverites with better and safer transportation choices.
This high-comfort bikeway will provide a significant new north-south connection in Denver’s growing bike network. It will enhance access to local businesses, neighborhoods and other destinations, as well as improve safety for all travelers with upgraded pedestrian crossings, streetscaping, street trees, public art and more, including:
- New two-way protected bikeway on Broadway will use concrete curbs and a row of parking to separate people on bikes from people in cars and will connect the Cherry Creek Trail to Center Avenue and RTD’s Broadway station.
- Curb ramp and sidewalk reconstruction will be made at intersections and other locations along the corridor to provide additional safety and comfort for people walking along Broadway.
- Streetscaping will be enhanced by improving the landscape areas and growing conditions for street trees.
- Multimodal improvements will provide better access to bus stops, shorter intersection crossings and improved accessibility for walkers and wheelers alike.
- Wayfinding signage will be provided to help guide people to multimodal connections along the corridor.
- Public art locations have been identified for areas along the corridor to complement Broadway’s unique character.
- Infrastructure improvements such us reconstructed traffic signals and upgraded drainage.

Intersection Improvements Highlighted
New rainbow crosswalk on Broadway at Irvington
Crews switching from old to new traffic signals
Concrete buffers on the protected bike lane
Sidewalk concrete pour at 6th Avenue and Broadway
Crews working on bus lane striping operations
Crews pouring concrete at E Ellsworth and Broadway
For Residents
Project Benefits
- Providing better connections from your neighborhood to downtown Denver, entertainment districts and major transit centers and transportation corridors.
- Bringing to life the vibrant Broadway community by investing in public art, landscaping and pedestrian safety.
- Making it easier and safer to travel through your neighborhood and access your favorite Broadway businesses
For Businesses
Project Benefits
- Enhancing accessibility to your business by increasing the ways people can reach you whether that be by walking, biking or in a wheelchair.
- Bringing to life the vibrant Broadway community by investing in public art, landscaping and pedestrian safety.
- Getting people in your door by connecting Broadway to downtown Denver, entertainment districts and major transit centers and transportation corridors.
For Bikers and Commuters
Project Benefits
- Providing a high-comfort bikeway that connects travelers to a growing Denver bike network, as well as major transit centers and transportation corridors.
- Enhancing the safety of travelers by creating protected bike lanes and upgraded pedestrian crossings
- Giving greater access for multi-modal travelers to experience the vibrant local Broadway businesses and neighborhoods
Final Design and Project Updates
Final Design
Denver Moves Broadway Final Design
Please find the final design plans that were presented to the community at the February 18, 2021 workgroup meeting:
Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) has been working to improve travel options for people who work, live, play and commute along the Broadway corridor.
As a first step toward implementing recommendations, the City installed a temporary bikeway between Bayaud Avenue and Virginia Avenue. The installation of this pilot facility enabled the operational evaluation of a bikeway and other mobility changes before making major infrastructure investments along the larger corridor.
Visit the Broadway Bike Study and Broadway/Lincoln Past Studies pages for more information.
Broadway/Lincoln Area Mobility Joint Projects Virtual Open House — February 2021
The South Broadway project team presented the final bikeway design, and the following teams provided updates about other projects in the area:
A meeting video can be viewed below. The presentation from the meeting is available upon request at
Detailed Design Roll Plot — September 2019
Roll Plot Feedback — September 2019
Design Working Group — September 2019
Loading Zone Roll Plot
Conceptual Design
Design Workgroup — March 2019

The project team has been coordinating closely with the South Central Community Transportation Network, the I-25 & Broadway Interchange Multimodal, and Lincoln Transit Improvements projects to provide additional safety features and smoother connections to the neighborhoods, local businesses, and RTD’s Broadway Station.
South Central Community Transportation Network
DOTI has also been working concurrently with neighborhoods within and surrounding the Denver Moves: Broadway project area to build safer and more efficient walking, biking and transit connections in South Central Denver to get people where they need to go.
DOTI has recently been holding virtual public meetings to understand how people in the community currently travel. Visit the website below for more information on this concurrent project, including opportunities to get involved.
Community Transportation Networks
Lincoln Transit Improvements
Following initial transit improvements along the Broadway/Lincoln corridor, Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure plans to extend transit-only lane hours on South Lincoln Street. During the planning phase, the project team is seeking input from the community on the preferred alternative for Lincoln from I-25 to 7th Avenue.
Lincoln Transit Improvements
South Broadway & I-25 Improvement Projects
The City and County of Denver's is redesigning the interchange of I-25 and Broadway. The improvements aim to create a safe and efficient area for all transportation modes ̶ pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and automobile.
South Broadway & I-25 Multimodal Improvements